

2018-05-30    01'11''

主播: 万钧🐱🎸

58 1

2018-5-30麦克风打卡金句 No, not a clue. I remember distinctly saying: you've been living in purgatory and kind of hanging around and this could be...it could be a very life-changing thing that's about to happen. By the time we were getting recognized more on the streets...we had a few seasons under our belts in a way that you felt like well we have something we rely on...we know what we're doing. My first year in college I decided to give it up. I was like this just isn't a smart idea for a career. But I took that year off and I only realized how much I missed it. There was plenty of time of unemployment, there was plenty of time at the Coinstar cashing in for a night out. I am grateful though that a success like the TV show didn't happen till I was in my 30s.