8.25 温故知新

8.25 温故知新

2018-08-25    00'29''

主播: 萌子_Alisa

164 1

8-25英语麦克风 A good cry lightens the heart. We’ve known for a long time that a good cry can make us feel better. Scientists confirmed it years ago. Tears help us get rid of hormones that make us sad. Sometimes it just seems like we need to cry. It’s part of a process of feeling sad and then getting past it. We don’t need to be embarrassed by our tears. They come for a reason, and we need to let them flow. 痛快地哭一场,让心不再沉重。我们早就知道痛快地哭可以让我们感觉好一点,科学家许多年前就已经确认了这点。眼泪可以帮助我们洗刷伤心的荷尔蒙。有时候就是感觉那么地想哭。这是伤心的过程,也是不再伤心的必经之路。不必因泪水感到惭愧。每一滴落下的眼泪都有它自己的理由,不必强忍,让泪水流淌下来吧。