晨练 Week10 Day03【跟迈克尔晨练】

晨练 Week10 Day03【跟迈克尔晨练】

2016-05-17    03'29''

主播: 布莱恩教育

4418 311

第 3 天 脱口而出 1. I’ve wondered the same thing. 我跟你想的一样。 2. He will meet the same fate as you. 他会和你一个下场。 3. Look at him. He can’t take his eyes off her. 你看他,一直盯着她不放。 4. There is no sneaking up on him. 你根本无法抓住他的把柄。 5. Just... you’re a lot more experienced than me. 只是...你比我有经验多了。 6. I should probably actually just talk to her, huh? 我或许该直接和她说,对吧?