优才英语秀-Outdoor Activities in Winter-Kelly|何丹彤

优才英语秀-Outdoor Activities in Winter-Kelly|何丹彤

2014-12-10    03'34''

主播: 新东方优才计划

925 103

Good evening, everyone. Now you are listening to the English show brought by Only for the top one. This is Kelly. Nice to meet you guys here again. today is Wednesday , the day which was supposed to see the first snowfall of Beijing this year. But somehow it didn’t show up. Of course I guess many of you must be as disappointed as me. But don’t worry. It will come. And now we can make plans for the coming snow. well, my plan is a visit to the forbidden city when it is snowed in. So what’s your plan? Don’t tell me it’s taking a peep from the window. Come on, I know it’s freaking cold and windy out there, but winter should definitely not be the reason that keeps us indoors. So what I’m trying to do here today is to talk you guys into outdoor activities. Speaking of outdoor activities in winter, I didn’t have much to say until yesterday when I and my colleagues went skiing. Even though the snowfall of this year in Beijing hasn’t decided the visiting date, I did have some close touch with snow yesterday. By close touch I mean a couple of amusing and hurting falls. For the record , I’m just a beginner. but I do have a lot I ‘d like to share with all of you after my day one of skiing. First, sports make you happy. It’s true. And it’s not like tasting an ice-cream of cherry favor or buying a new dress. It’s the kind of happiness that both physical and emotional. You have to try it yourself and I’m pretty sure you fall in love with that feeling. Well , I don’t mean the bruises you can still see on my elbow. Second, the greatest satisfaction comes from doing the thing that scares you the most. When I was on the top of the glide path, I literally stood there for twenty minutes. and after a fierce struggle of fear, I finally glided down. Although I immediately fell down in like twenty seconds, I felt so relived. And after I stood up with the help of staff there, I felt like I’m invincible and nothing on the path could stop me anymore. So everyone ! Get out of the room and enjoy the outdoor activities in winter! Notes be snowed in:被大雪覆盖;被花言巧语蒙骗 The greatest satisfaction comes from doing the thing that scares you the most. 内心最大的满足来自于去做让你感到最恐惧的事。