

2015-10-04    22'35''

主播: yoga_yj

102 18

中英双语说电影 Schindler’s List 辛德勒的名单 1-Words: refugee n 难民; ghetto n犹太人区 ; falsify v 伪造; deem 动词 认为 ; bribery n 贿赂; acquiesce 动词,勉强同意 ; farewell n 告别; engrave雕刻 ; swastika纳粹党所用的十字记号 n; dragoon n骑兵; 2-Joyful Reading: Schindler’s List is a 1993 American biographical drama film about Oskar Schindler, a German businessman who saved the lives of more than a thousand mostly Polish Jewish refugees during the Holocaust by employing them in his factories. The film was directed by Steven Spielberg, and based on the novel Schindler’s Ark by Thomas Keneally. It is considered among critics as one of the best film ever made. The film begins in 1939 shortly after the beginning of World War II. Oskar Schindler, an ethnic German businessman from Moravia, arrives in the city in hopes of making his fortune as a war profiteer. Sponsored by the military, Schindler acquires a factory for the production of army mess kits. The Jewish businessmen lend schindler the money for the factory in return for a small share of products produced. Schindler hires Jewish Poles instead of Catholic Poles because they cost less. Workers in Schindler’s factory are allowed outside the ghetto, and Stern falsifies documents to ensure that as many people as possible are deemed essential to the German war effort, which saves them from being transported to concentration camps, or being killed. Schindler, watching the massacre from the hills overlooking the area with his mistress, is profoundly affected. Through bribery, Schindler continues to enjoy SS support and protection. During this time, Schindler bribes Goeth into allowing him to build a sub-camp for his workers, so that he can keep his factory running smoothly and protect them from being randomly executed. As time passes, Schindeler save as many lives as he can. As the war shifts, Goeth receives orders from Berlin commanding him to ship the remaining Jews——including Schindler’s workers—to the Auschwitz concertration camp. At first, Schindler prepares to leave Krakow with his ill-gotten fortune. He finds himself unable to do so, however, and prevails upon Goeth to allow him to keep his workers so that he can move them to a factory in his home. Goeth eventually acquiesces. Schindler and Stern assemble a list of workers who are to be kept off the trains to Auschwitz. “Schindler’s List ” comprises these “skilled” inmates, and for many of those in a camp, being included means the difference between life and death. Almost all of the people on Schindler’s list arrive safely at the new site. The train carrying the Jewish women is accidentally redirected to Auschwitz. Schindler rushes immediately to Auschwitz. Intending to rescue all the women, be bribes the camp commander. Once the women arrive in the new site, Schindler institutes firm controls on the SS guards assigned to the factory, forbidding them to enter the production areas. In order to keep his factory workers alive, he spends much of his future bribing Nazi officials. He runs out of money just as the Wehrmacht surrenders, ending the war in Europe. As a Nazi Party member and a self-described “profiteer of slave labour”, in 1945, Schindler must flee the advancing Red Army. In the aftermath, he packs a car in the night and bids farewell to his workders. They give him a letter explaining he is not a criminal to them, together with a ring secretly made from a worker’s gold dental bridge and engraved with a Talmudic quotation, “Whoever saves one life saves the world entire.” Schindler is touched but deeply ashamed, feeling he could have done more to save many more lives, such as selling his car, and selling a swastika badge could have saved one more. Weeping, he considers how many more lives he could have saved as he leaves with his wife during the night. The schindler Jews, having slept outside the factory gates through the night, are wakened by sunlight the next morning. A soviet dragoon arrives and announces to the Jews that they have been liberated by the Red Army. 3-Free Talk Free Talk 1 Oskar and Itzhak O:I could have got more out. I could have got more. I don’t know. If I’d just…I could have got more. I: Oskar, there are eleven hundred people who are alive because of you. Look at them. O:If I’d made more money…I threw away so much money. You have no idea. If I’d just … I: There will be generations because of what you did. O:I didn’t do enough! I: You did so much. (Schindler looks at his car) O:This car. Goeth would have bought this car. Why did I keep the car? Ten people right there. Ten people . Ten more people. O:This pin. Two people. This is gold. Two more people. He would have given me two for it, at least one. one more person. A person, Stern. For this. I:I could have gotten one more person…and I didn’t! And I…I didn’t!