

2019-08-24    09'12''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

3821 23

难度:四星 【句子】You know, if you ever do get a vibe from Bree, that she’s interested in more than just friendship, I’d be careful if I were you. 【Desperate Housewives S1E13】 【发音】[ju:] [nəʊ] [ɪf] [ju:] [ˈev.ə(r)] [duː] [get] [ə] [vaɪb] [frɒm]/[frɑ:m] [bri:] [ðæt] [ʃi:z] ['ɪntrɪstɪd] [ɪn] [mɔ:(r)] [ðæn] [dʒʌst] [ˈfrend.ʃɪp] [aɪd] [bi:] ['keə(r)fʊl] [ɪf] [aɪ] [wɜ:(r)] [ju:] 【发音技巧】do重读;get a连读+美音浊化;interested in连读;just friendship不完全失去爆破+不完全失去爆破;I’d be完全失去爆破;if I连读; 【翻译】要是你觉得Bree给你一种错觉,她感兴趣的不只是友情,如果我是你的话,我就会小心点。 【适用场合】 1. vibe本身指的是一种感觉感应 a general feeling you get from a person or place have/get good vibes 对……有好感 to have good feelings (about someone or something). have/get bad vibes 不喜欢……;厌恶…… eg: I’ve got good vibes about Helen. 我对Helen蛮有好感的。 eg: I didn't get many good vibes from the club. 我对这酒吧没什么好感。 eg: Sorry, Chris, but I have bad vibes about this guy. 抱歉,Chris,但是我挺不喜欢这个人的。 今天对话当中get a vibe from Bree 其实想说的意思是,如果你觉得Bree给你一种……的错觉; I just want you to know that she’d only be using you to even the score with me. Don’t fall for it. 我不过想告诉你,她只会是在利用你报复我而已。别上当了。 2. even the score 字面的意思是:让双方平等 在这里是引申义: to harm or punish sb. who has harmed or cheated you in the past 因为某人之前伤害过你、欺骗过你,现在你伤害ta,惩罚ta eg: After Danny stole my girlfriend, I had to even the score by dating his ex. Danny抢了我女朋友,所以之后我不得不约会一下他的前任来扯平。 3. fall for sb. 迷恋某个人 If you fall for someone, you are strongly attracted to them and start loving them. 这个用法我们之前的节目当中学过 eg: He was fantastically handsome. I just fell for him right away. 他真的超帅的,我对他一见倾心。 但是,今天的用法 fall for sth. 可以用来表示上当、受骗; If you fall for a lie or trick, you believe it or are deceived by it. eg: It was just a line to get you out here, and you fell for it!. 那就是为了把你骗到这来随便说说而已的,你还真信了! 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 I told him I would think about it and asked for his telephone number. He didn't fall for that one.