

2019-08-25    06'48''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

3914 26

难度:两星 【句子】When I was a kid, I always played by the rules. 【Desperate Housewives S1E13】 【发音】[wen] [aɪ] [wɒz]/[wɑ:z] [ə] [kɪd] [aɪ] ['ɔ:lweɪz] [pleɪd] [baɪ] [ðə] [ru:lz] 【发音技巧】when I连读;was a连读;played by完全失去爆破; 【翻译】当我还是个孩子的时候,就循规蹈矩。 【适用场合】 play by the rules 循规蹈矩,遵循体制规则 To adhere to the rules, strictures, or conditions imposed by person or body of authority. eg: You can trust Ruth because she always plays (it) by the rules. eg: You can trust Ruth because she always goes by the rules. eg: You can trust Ruth because she always does things by the rules. (= follows instructions, standards, or rules). 你可以信任Ruth,因为她做事情总是循规蹈矩。 或者可以理解成为人处世的时候守诚信 deal fairly and honestly with people eg: You know how we conduct business here, and I expect you all to play by the rules in the future. 你们也知道我们这边做生意的规矩,希望以后你们都能够诚信待人。 那大家猜一下另外一个相关短语的意思: play by one’s own rules 看来这个人并不遵循别人给立好的规矩,做事情有自己的一套准则 to adhere to or follow only the guidelines or conditions set by oneself, rather than those imposed by someone else. eg: Kid, you work for me, so you can't just play by your own rules! 你小子,你是为我工作的好吗,你不能想干啥就干啥! eg: I love working in advertising, but I hated playing by such a large corporation's rules, so I broke off and set up my own company. 我喜欢在广告行业工作,但是我不喜欢被这种大公司的条条框框约束,所以我辞职自己开公司了。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 She's always been attracted to bad boys who play by their own rules.