

2020-06-03    05'21''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

2177 16

【句子】-- So what's the word on Tim? -- He came through the triple bypass with flying colors. 【Desperate Housewives S1E15】 【发音】[səʊ] [ˈwɑ:ts]/[ˈwɒts] [ðə] [wɜ:(r)d] [ɒn]/[ɑ:n] [tɪm] [hi:] [keɪm] [θru:] [ðə] ['trɪpl] [ˈbaɪ.pɑ:s]/[ˈbaɪ.pæs] [wɪð] ['flaɪɪŋ] [ˈkʌlə(r)z] 【发音技巧】word on连读; 【翻译】-- Tim状况如何了? -- 他的心脏搭桥手术非常成功! 【适用场合】 先看第一句:So what's the word on Tim? 英语口语中,当我们说What's the word? 其实完整的说法是:What's the good word? 是类似于Hello,或者How are you? 的一种打招呼的方式。 eg: I haven't seen you in ages! What's the good word? 好多年没见你了,你好呀! do sth. with flying colors (口语)出色地;优秀地; If you do something with flying colors, you do it extremely well eg: Sam was rather nervous taking his final exam, but he passed with flying colors! Sam要考期末考试了,非常紧张,但是他最终的考试成绩非常优秀。 eg: Your brother passed his apprenticeship with flying colors. He'll be a master builder in no time! 你的哥哥/弟弟以非常优秀的成绩通过了学徒期的考核,很快他将成为一名杰出的建筑工人。 eg: Paul came home with flying colors after the match. Paul赢得了比赛,凯旋而归。 这个短语比较常见于描述考试、竞赛或者训练等等场合! A ship's colours are its national flag. The image here is of a victorious battleship sailing back into port with its national flag flying. 这里flying colors其实是national flag,迎风飘扬的旗帜。如果打仗胜利了,是一种凯旋而归的感觉,飘着national flag,告诉大家我们胜利了。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 Is it a success to pass a graduation exam with flying colors only to forget the whole thing in 2-3 years' time?