

2021-06-11    09'59''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

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【句子】Yes, yes. I know my husband and I went through a downsizing phase, but we’ve snapped out of it. 【Desperate Housewives S1E20】 【发音】 【发音技巧】husband and I两处连读;went through不完全爆破;through a连读;but we’ve类似不完全爆破的处理;snapped out of it三处连读;out of闪音; 【翻译】是啊是啊,我知道我和我的丈夫经历了一段时间的低谷期,不过我们已经走出来了。 【适用场合】 今天这段台词,会有一些难度。 首先,说一下什么叫做downsize, 当动词使用,可表示“以较小尺寸设计或制造, 裁减员工人数”的意思; to make a company or organization smaller by reducing the number of workers eg: You need to downsize your company. 你得将你的公司缩小规模。(你得裁员。) eg: The plight of the Asian economy is forcing businesses to downsize. 亚洲经济的困境使得各个公司不得不缩小规模。 eg: American manufacturing organizations have been downsizing their factories. 美国的制造企业一直以来都在缩小他们的工厂规模。 当做不及物动词,可以表示:: to undergo a reduction in size “经历一次在规模方面的减量、减小” phase大家都知道,可以表示阶段。当做stage的近义词; 那么downsizing phase就是指:“节衣缩食的阶段”“手头紧的阶段”“经济不景气的阶段”等等这样的意思。 接下来再来说一下什么叫做snap out of it, 或者snap out of sth. 这个表达的意思是:“逼自己从负面情绪中走出来、恢复;振作起来;” 来看一下英文解释: to force yourself to stop feeling sad and upset eg: He just can't snap out of the depression he's had since his wife died. 自从他的妻子过世,他一直走不出那种压抑的情绪。 eg: Now come on, snap out of it. Losing that money isn't the end of the world. 现在好了,别难受了。那笔钱丢了也不是世界末日。 eg: Alex has been really gloomy lately. I hope he snaps out of it soon, because we'll need him to present our project to the supervisor next week. Alex最近一直很消沉。我希望他能快点走出来,因为我们还需要他下个礼拜在监管人面前展示我们的项目计划呢! eg: For heaven’s sake, Ann, snap out of it! Things aren’t that bad! 我的个老天爷啊!Ann,振作一点吧!事态也没那么糟糕! eg: She wouldn’t talk to anyone for days, but her friends helped snap her out of it. 那些天她不愿意和任何人说话,但是她的朋友们帮助她走出了困境。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 The company is hoping to snap out of their recent sales slump with the launch of their latest smart phone.