

2021-07-08    06'30''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

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【句子】Turns out, someone left the gas on, with candles burning. 【Desperate Housewives S1E20】 【发音】/tɜː(r)nz/ /aʊt/ /ˈsʌm.wʌn/ /left/ /ðə/ /gæs/ /ɒn/ /ɑːn/ /wɪð/ /ˈkæn.dlz/ /ˈbɜː(r).nɪŋ/ 【发音技巧】Turns out连读;left the不完全爆破;gas on连读; 【翻译】原来,是有人没有关煤气,并且蜡烛还燃烧着,造成的火灾。 【适用场合】 今天我们一起来学习一下口语中特别常见的一个表达:turn out 这个短语的意思其实很多。 我们今天重点学习其中的一种用法: 经常会被翻译成:“原来……;结果是……;证明是……;最终发现事实是……”多多少少带一点意外的语气。 这个用法我们之前在【Modern Family-S1E9】,第211期节目中简单讲过。 to happen in a particular way or to have a particular result, especially an unexpected one 或者 to be known or discovered finally and surprisingly 比较常见的搭配是: sth. turns/turned out… it turns/turned out that… eg: As events turned out, we were right to have decided to leave early. 事实证明,我们当时决定早点走,是正确的决定。 eg: The truth turned out to be stranger than we had expected. 事情的真相,比我们预计的还要奇怪。 eg: It turns out that she had known him when they were children. 原来,她小的时候就已经认识他了。 eg: Sometimes things don't turn out the way we think they're going to. 有的时候,事情的发展并不像我们想象的那样。 eg: It turned out that I knew the person who got shot. 结果,我居然认识那个被枪击的人。 其实在口语中,直接说turns out (that)… 也是很常见的,和今天关键句一样的结构。 eg: Turns out I never lost the ticket—it was in my pocket the whole time! 原来我从未弄丢过那张票!它一直都在我的口袋里! 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 原来,这次犯罪,他从始至终都知情。