

2021-07-09    06'25''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

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【句子】And that’s all there is to it. 【Desperate Housewives S1E20】 【发音】/ənd/ /ðæts/ /ɔːl/ /ɑːl/ /ðeə(r)/ /ɪz/ /tʊ/ /ɪt/ 【发音技巧】And that’s不完全爆破;that’s all连读;there is连读; 【翻译】这事儿就那么简单。 【适用场合】 今天我们来学习这个表达: That’s all there is to it. 它的意思其实相当于:It's as simple as that. 就那么简单。 词典里有这么一段话: If you say 'There's nothing to it', 'There's not much to it', or 'That's all there is to it', you are emphasizing how simple you think something is. 也就是说我们在口语当中可以认为: There’s nothing to it. There’s not much to it. That’s all there is to it. 都是类似的表达,意思是:“就那么简单。没啥难的。” 有的时候,还有点end of story的意思。这事儿就聊到这,不必多说。 eg: Once they have tried growing strawberries, they will see there is really nothing to it. 一旦他们尝试了种植草莓,他们就会发现没啥难的。 (我已经把三盆草莓都养死了……) (A问B:你知道吗,C最近在借钱,把周围的同事都借了一圈。B回复说:她目前有困难,过得挺难的,就那么简单的原因,别瞎琢磨。) eg: She's going through a difficult time. That's all there is to it. 她目前过得挺难的。就那么简单。 eg: There's really nothing to it once you know how. 一旦你掌握了方法,其实一点都不难。 eg: -- Monica is moving to London. -- Why? -- She went there for further study. That's all there is to it. -- Monica要搬去伦敦了。 -- 为什么啊? -- 她去那里读书深造,就那么简单。 (并没有什么复杂的搬家理由) 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 Just plug it in and flip the switch, and that's all there is to it.