叶芝名诗 | 丽达与天鹅Leda And The Swan

叶芝名诗 | 丽达与天鹅Leda And The Swan

2018-11-08    02'11''

主播: James读英语

188 1

Leda And The Swan by W.B.Yeats 丽达与天鹅 叶芝 A sudden blow: the great wings beating still above the staggering girl, 劲风掠过:巨大翅膀在挣扎的女孩身体上 her thighs caressed by the dark webs, 无声翕张,黑色翼爪摸她的双腿, her nape caught in his bill, 巨喙叼她的颈项, He holds her helpless breast upon his breast. 他箍紧她无助的胸脯,贴上了自己的胸膛。 How can those terrified vague fingers push 她惊惧犹疑的手指 The feathered glory from her loosening thighs? 怎能推开松开的双腿间羽饰的荣耀? And how can body, laid in that white rush, 白灯心草上放倒的躯体 But feel the strange heart beating where it lies? 又怎能抗拒这奇异的心跳? A shudder in the loins engenders there 这腰间的一耸 The broken wall, the burning roof and tower 只见那断了的墙垣,那燃起的穹顶和塔 And Agamemnon dead. 那阿伽门农死掉。 Being so caught up, 如此的蹂躏与征服 So mastered by the brute blood of the air, 就来自他天上的兽性魔血。 Did she put on his knowledge with his power 在被冷漠的鸟嘴放下之前 Before the indifferent beak could let her drop? 她汲取了他那充满力量的头脑? 叶芝因他"出神入化的诗篇,以高超的艺术形式为整个民族之魂赋形"获得1923年的诺贝尔文学奖。在这首邪魅而极具诱惑的诗歌背后还有一段神奇的、饱含情与欲的传说。 《丽达与天鹅》,据希腊神话传说,众神之王宙斯化作天鹅与人间少女丽达交配。后来丽达生的女儿海伦因其绝色引起特洛伊的十年战争;战后希腊联军凯旋之时,丽达的另一个女儿克吕泰涅斯特拉又谋杀了她的丈夫、希腊联军统帅阿伽门农。诗人从他的神秘主义体系出发,认为宙斯与丽达产生了希腊文明,但也产生了激烈的冲突和巨大的灾难。