

2022-03-29    15'07''

主播: 一席英语

638 6

主播:Selah | 翩翩 音乐:Hero 1. 美国热搜:“动图”的创造者,因新冠去世 “动图”(GIF) 的创造者史蒂夫·威尔海特(Stephen Wilhite),因感染新冠于当地时间3月24日去世,终年74岁。 对于“GIF之父”的去世,美国网友们netizens纷纷留言 2. Selah: 我也感染了! Selah前段时间也感染了新冠,说起自己中招的经历,她是这么说的: In January of this year, I finally got COVID. 为什么要说“finally”( 终于得了)?Why? Selah幽默地解释道: 因为她的家人、朋友都感染过新冠,she was the last one. She was just waiting her turn.(在等着啥时候轮到自己) ***:COVID—19 变异毒株:variant/ˈværiənt/ 奥密克戎:Omicron /ˈɑːməkrɑːn/ ●怎么感染的? How did I get COVID? I am not sure how I got it.自己都不知道是怎么感染的。 因为Omicron is even more tricky(病毒特别狡猾),并且是contagious,在很多的地方都有可能接触到。It could have been school, work, or travel. *tricky /ˈtrɪki/ adj. 狡猾的 *contagious /kənˈteɪdʒəs/ adj. (疾病)接触传染的 ●怎么发现的? How did I discover I had COVID? I went to bed the night before very tired and with a bit of a sore throat. 前一天晚上嗓子疼。 第二天醒来的后, I had a fever.(发烧了) I had a runny nose and my throat really hurt. 于是,Selah让室友帮忙 go to the pharmacy,买了at-home test kit(新冠自测盒), 每盒大约是 20-30美金。 I took it and it was positive almost immediately. 很灵敏,立马显示positive(阳性)。 In case, 又试了另一个,and it was also positive。 ●当时有什么症状 ? What were my feelings and symptoms? I had a high fever for about 3 days, and the first two, I was very nauseous. 发高烧3天,头两天恶心。 I kept throwing up for 2 days, and felt so dizzy and tired. 吐了两天,并且感到头晕、乏力。 Then my fever finally broke, and I felt better besides feeling tired. 退烧后,感觉好多了,但还是乏力。 上周,Vip在澳洲也感染了新冠,他感觉tasteless(失去味觉了),Selah倒是没有出现这个symptom。(乐观的Selah风趣地说,得再得一次,看看会不会tasteless) ●有后遗症吗?Did I have post-COVID symptoms? I felt I had “COVID-brain” for maybe a week after. 之后的一周,感觉“COVID-brain”, “COVID-brain”的表现是:感觉very tired,不能focus, 不能think. My brain was like turned off. 大脑好像罢工了。 Selah还属于轻症(mild case),有很多像Selah一样感染新冠的人,出现了中等症状(medium symptoms)。如果是重症(serious cases),就得去医院就诊了。 *新冠后遗症:post-COVID symptoms *轻症:mild case *中等症状:medium symptoms *重症:serious cases ●当时打了疫苗吗?Did I get vaccinated? I got vaccinated and got both doses.接种过疫苗,两针都打了。 The funny story is: The day I got COVID was the same day I had an appointment to get my booster shot. 感染新冠的这天,恰巧是要去打加强针的那天。 线上取消加强针预约时,在取消理由一栏,只好写: I got COVID positive test. *get vaccinated接种疫苗 *dose /doʊs/ n. 一剂 *appointment /əˈpɔɪntmənt/ n. 预约 *booster /ˈbu:stər/ n. 加强针 ●我们是这么隔离的。 How was being in quarantine? I had to be in quarantine for 5 full days, in my own room. 在自己房间隔离5整天。 因为和其他3个女孩一起住, so I only left my room to use the bathroom(只是要去洗手间的时候才出门),and I was the only one to use the bathroom,洗手间是和舍友分开用。 ●吃饭怎么解决呢?How did I have meals? My roommates brought it up to me for every meal. 每顿都由舍友帮忙送。 但因为食欲不振,还nauseous(恶心),so I don’t eat them often。 Because I felt so sick, quarantine was not too bad. 因为身体不舒服,所以觉得居家隔离,在床上躺着(lay in bed )还不错。 但是,后面两天身体好转后, I got very bored of watching TV and being by myself. 憋坏了,太无聊了。 ●耽误上学了吗?Did it affect my schooling? 得新冠期间, I still had to do school and homework online, even though I was sick. 尽管不舒服,还得在网上听课、写作业。 ●隔离期间出门了吗?Did I go out during the quarantine period? One night, I had a social distanced dinner with my roommates outside. 和室友出去吃了social distanced dinner(“保持一定社交距离”的晚餐)。 在美国,感染新冠,没人告诉你what you can or can not do。隔离期间,还可以出去跟朋友一起在室外吃饭,只是要保持一定的distance。美国人把这个叫做social distanced dinner。 Selah有一个室友在nursing school(护理学院),身边有很多old patients(上了年纪的病人),为了不infect her(传染给她),和室友是隔了6英尺(约1.8m)坐的。 ●怎么治疗的? How did I feel better? I felt better by taking medicine and resting. 通过吃药、休息恢复。 只是吃了一些感冒常用药,比如退烧药(fever-reducing medication),来让自己症状缓解。 ●什么时候解除隔离的呢?When could I return to school? 如果I was 24-hours fever free without taking fever reducing medication(不吃退烧药,24小时内不烧的话),就可以return to school。 而且,回到学校后,至少是要wear a mask(戴口罩)for a week。 Selah还年轻,感染后比较容易survive,但如果是年纪大的人,或者是有基础疾病的人感染了,就会是more risky and dangerous。 总之呢,就像美国网友说的,people are still dying from COVID。如果落到任何一个家庭里,都是承担不起的代价。希望大家在疫情期间,戴好口罩,做好防护。 希望每一个人都可以: Stay safe!Stay healthy and take care of each other! 请留言告诉我们: 听完这次podcast, 都学会了哪些词汇与表达?留言告诉我们吧!