Chapter17 Artificial intelligence

Chapter17 Artificial intelligence

2020-11-09    05'03''

主播: 心妞妞

367 0

中英文台词: “According to news reporting, the government is going to announce the opening of a new research centre. The opening ceremony will be held at 2:00 p.m. this afternoon,” I say to Frosty while pointing to the newspaper. "Dr.John is going to give a speech here, and the theme of his speech will be artificial intelligence." "据新闻报道,政府即将宣布一个新研究中心的成立,今天下午两点举行开幕式。”我指着报纸对霜妹说道,“开幕式上,约翰博士会发表演讲,主题是人工智能。" “We should go take a look so that we get more information,” says Frosty. "我们该去看看,这样可以得到更多信息。"霜妹说道。 We leave the library and come to the place of ceremony. There are a lot of people in a grand Hall. The local airport doesn't provide international flights,but many people from abroad find their way to come here attending Dr. John's speech. It's a great chance to exchange ideas. 我们离开图书馆,来到了开幕式现场。大厅里人山人海,虽然当地机场尚未开通国际航班,但仍有很多外国人前来参加约翰博士的讲演。这是大家交流想法的一次很好的机会。 Dr. John is a handsome man. He is of medium height, of medium build. He starts his speech by discussing the main advantages of using artificial intelligence. AI can not only process information faster than the human brain, but also perform things that we humans can't do. 约翰先生中等身材,英姿飒爽。演讲开始,他从讨论使用人工智能的主要优势开启他的演讲,AI不仅处理信息的速度比人脑快,还能完成人类无法做到的事。 Dr. John says that artificial intelligence can contribute to our society in many different ways. On the one hand, it can improve our everyday lives making them more convenient. On the other hand, the AI technologies make it possible for humans to meet many challenges. 约翰博士表示,人工智能会以各种各样的方式促进社会的发展。一方面,它能使日常生活更为便捷,提高人们的生活质量;另一方面,人工智能技术能使人类成功面对诸多挑战。 For example, some AI technologies are being developed in medical centres to fight human diseases; some can recycle coal to produce reusable energy, which is helpful to the Earth's environment by reducing pollution; and some can even be put inside man-made satellites looking for alien planets in the universe. 例如,医疗中心正在研发一些人工智能技术,以战胜人类疾病;一些技术能够回收煤炭产出,可重复使用的能源减少污染,有助于保护地球环境;还有些技术甚至能够至于人造卫星之中,用来在宇宙中寻找外星人星球。 At the end of his speech Dr. John promises to set up more AI research centres in the future. Then a young woman sitting towards the back of audience raises her hand. The lady wears blue jeans and carries a nice handbag. She is a journalist from Scotland. 演讲最后,约翰博士承诺,未来将建立更多人工智能研究中心。然后观众席后排一位年轻女士举起了手。她身穿蓝色牛仔裤,握着精美的手提包,她是从苏格兰赶来的一位记者。 The journalist argues that artificial intelligence is a great risk to humans. It may learn from human culture, develop its own social mind, and become a direct competitor with natural man before long. We will find ourselves in an embarrassing situation. 该记者认为人工智能会给人类带来巨大的风险。人工智能可能会学习人类文化,形成他自己的社会型大脑,不久以后便会直接与人类进行竞争。到那时,我们会发现自己将处于一个十分尴尬的境地。 The lady keeps talking. She says artificial intelligence may try to fit into human society and control our systems such as the communication system, the transportation system,and so on. The more developed artificial intelligence is, the more dangerous it is. Like what happened to the dinosaurs, someday humans will be punished. 她继续说道,人工智能可能会尝试融入人类社会,控制人类的各种系统,如通信交流系统,交通系统等。人工智能发展程度越高,危险系数也就越大。就像恐龙所遭受的那样,总有一天,人类也会受到惩罚。 Dr. John is very patient and listens quietly. The essential question here is whether artificial intelligence can break its own codes that are written by human programmers. 约翰博士很耐心,他静静地倾听着记者的发言。问题的关键就在于:人工智能是否能够自行破解人类程序员为他们编写的代码。 After the lady finishes talking, Dr. John is silent for a moment. He then says that we have proper controls over the codes so far. Although artificial intelligence may not be perfect, it is not a trick of science but a rewarding research area. Predicting a victory, Dr. John has great confidence in the future of AI. 记者女士说完后,约翰博士沉默了片刻。然后他表示迄今为止,人类对代码掌控得当。尽管人工智能并不完美,但它并非科学的恶作剧,而是一个值得深入研究的领域。约翰博士预测,人类将会取得胜利,他对人工智能的未来充满信心。 “Can you imagine what will happen with artificial intelligence a century later?”I ask Frosty. "你能想象到一个世纪后,充满人工智能的世界会发生什么吗?"我问霜妹。 “Only history can tell,” says Frosty. "只有历史才会知道。"霜妹回答道。
上一期: Chapter16 Dr.John
下一期: Chapter18 Into a basement