Chapter18 Into a basement

Chapter18 Into a basement

2020-12-07    04'11''

主播: 心妞妞

371 1

中英文台词: Is Dr. John Mr. Gamer? After the speech, Frosty and I come to his living place again, looking for an answer. 约翰博士是“玩家先生吗”?演讲结束后,我和霜妹再次来到他的住所,想要找出答案。 It's a big two-story building facing the ocean. We see a fishing ship rising and falling on the rough waves in the sea. There is no guard on duty and the parking space is empty. Dr. John is probably still at the ceremony site and hasn't come back home yet. Using the key that Woof showed to us last night, we get into the house's front yard. 这是一栋两层海景大别墅。海面波涛汹涌,一艘渔船随着海浪起起伏伏。别墅没有保安当值,停车场也空空如也。约翰博士可能还在开幕式现场,还没回来。我们用汪汪昨晚刨出的那把钥匙进入了前院。 Worms are coming out of the soft, wet earth; butterflies are flying around red roses; and squirrels are hiding nuts in a bamboo garden. It is very quiet here. Frosty and I find a side door, walk downstairs and enter a basement secretly. 院子内,蠕虫从松软潮湿的土地里爬了出来,蜘蛛围着红玫瑰四处飞舞,松鼠正将坚果藏到竹园里。四周万籁俱寂,我和霜妹找到侧门,悄悄沿着楼梯下楼,来到了一个地下室。 “Merry Christmas, boss.” Hearing a smooth voice, we become frozen in fear. Then we find that it is an English-speaking parrot! "老板,圣诞快乐。"我们听到一声悦耳的声音,不由心生恐惧,呆站在那儿一动不动。然后我们发现竟是一只会讲英语的鹦鹉! Spreading its wings inside a cage, the pet bird looks really funny. Parrots can usually repeat basic words of human spoken language. However, this cute bird can pronounce a short sentence. 这只宠物在笼中将双翼铺展开来,看着十分有趣。鹦鹉常会模仿人类,重复一些基本的口语词汇。然而,这只可爱的鹦鹉,却能说出短句。 “Do I look like a fool? Today is Thanksgiving Day,” I talk back to the parrot quietly. "我难道看着像是傻瓜吗?今天是感恩节。"我小声和鹦鹉回嘴道。 "Don't be silly,"Frosty whispers, smiling at me. "别犯傻了。"霜妹微笑地看着我,低声说道。 Frosty and I look around. The basement is huge, decorated with some art products that are made of expensive ivories. We then enter a separate room. Inside there are a lot of electronic modems, electrical tools and instruments. A large white desk with a computer on it sits in the middle of the room. On the desk, there are diagram files, chart document copies, printed faxes, and all sorts of things. 我们环顾四周,地下室很宽敞,室内装饰着价值不菲的象牙艺术品。看到一间隔开的房间,我们便走了进去。房间内放着许多电子解调器,电子工具和仪器。房间中央有张白色电脑桌,桌子很大,上面放着电脑,还有一些图表文件、复印件、打印好的传真,以及各式各样的东西。 “It looks like a laboratory.This must be Dr.John's home workplace,” says Frosty. Then we hear the sound of a car pulling into the parking place. Dr. John is back!Frosty and I quickly hide behind a tall cupboard, which has fragile wine glasses. "看着像是实验室。这一定是约翰博士在家时的办公场所。"霜妹说道。然后我们听到车开进停车场的声音。约翰博士回来了!我们迅速躲到一个碗厨后面,高高的碗橱里放着许多易碎的酒杯。 Coming out of his jeep, Dr. John goes straight into the basement. The parrot says Merry Christmas to him. He takes off his polished boot, zippers open his leather jacket and grabs a beer. Sitting in a chair with a woollen cover, Dr. John looks at a postcard, which has a foreign stamp on it. He then checks his phone for messages. It sounds like his wife was on vacation in Europe. She and her French friends just crossed a forest and climbed down a steep mountain. They were setting up tents on a land that was covered with snow. 约翰博士从吉普车内走了下来,径直来到了地下室。鹦鹉祝他圣诞快乐。他脱下锃亮的靴子,拉开皮夹克的拉链,随手拿起一瓶啤酒。他坐到垫着羊毛皮套的椅子上,看起了贴着外国邮票的明信片。然后他听了听电话机上的留言信息。听着像是他妻子正在欧洲度假。她和她的法国好友们刚刚穿越了一个森林,并沿着陡峭的山峦而下,留言时他们正在白雪覆盖的地面上搭建的帐篷。 Dr. John has a great sense of satisfaction. So many people attended his speech today. He's now trying to have a rest. Then Dr. John starts to consider something. The room becomes quiet, the tick of a clock filling the silence. 约翰博士感到十分满足,今天很多人前来听他的演讲。他现在想休息一会儿。然后他开始思考起什么。房间静悄悄的,只能听见钟表滴滴答答的转着,填补着这份寂静。