Chapter19 A secret hand

Chapter19 A secret hand

2021-01-04    02'36''

主播: 心妞妞

361 1

中英文台词: For some reason, Dr. John wants to examine the programming codes. Maybe it's because of what the lady journalist said during his speech. He turns on the computer and enters a password to access the codes. Frosty gets to know the password by listening to Dr. John's thoughts while he is typing the password. 不知为何,约翰博士想检查检查编程代码—可能是因为演讲时女记者说的那番话吧。他打开电脑、输入密码、进入了代码系统。当约翰博士输入密码时,霜妹听到了她的意念思维而获取了密码。 Dr. John coughs. He stands up and takes a pill. He boils water and adds a scoop of sugar to a teapot to make sweet tea. Sitting down again in front of the computer, Dr. John goes on comparing the codes line by line. 约翰博士咳嗽起来。他站起身来服了一颗药。他烧了一壶开水,往壶里加了一勺糖,制成甜茶。接着他又回到了电脑前,继续逐行逐行的对比代码。 The primary codes were written by Dr. John himself, which includes strict control over data access. Even though he believes it's completely impossible for someone to see and change the codes, he thinks maybe it's necessary to take a look. 最初,源代码都是约翰博士亲自编写的,其中包括对代码数据准入实行了严格的控制。尽管他深信别人都无法看到和修改这些代码,他觉得还是有必要看一看代码。 Something is wrong. Dr. John's face turns serious as time is passing by. Dr. John would rather not see the codes at this time. He seems scared and upset. 有点不太对劲。时间一分分的过去,约翰博士的表情变得愈加凝重。此时此刻,他宁愿自己没有看到这些代码。他神情慌张,心烦意乱。 Again, Frosty hears Dr. John's thoughts… 霜妹,再一次听到了约翰博士的意念想法…… Making rapid clicking and typing sounds, Dr. John sends email requests to some of his expert friends. He has difficulty understanding some of the codes and needs help. Wait a second! How could Dr. John not understand the codes that he wrote himself in the past? Frosty wonders whether there was a secret hand. 在键盘敲击声中,约翰博士迅速打起字来。他在给一些专家朋友发邮件,询问他们的意见。他无法理解其中的一些代码,需要他们的帮助。等等!约翰博士怎会无法理解自己过去编写的代码呢?霜妹猜测是不是代码后面有一只看不见的手。 Dr. John is sadly regretting something. But whatever the mistakes are, he wants to fix them up. Dr. John is thinking of creating some special codes. Once they are put into the system, just like pressing an emergency button, it will destroy the whole system. 约翰博士十分难过,他对某些事情感到后悔。但是不管他犯下了什么错误,他都想进行修正。约翰博士正思考着如何创建一些特殊代码,这些代码一旦输入系统,就像是按下了紧急按钮一样,将会摧毁整个系统。 Dr. John feels awful weak. He stands up from his chair and goes into the toilet room. Frosty and I then leave the basement in a hurry without making any noise. 约翰博士觉得异常虚弱。他从椅子上站起身来,走进了卫生间。我和霜妹一声不响地迅速离开了地下室。