Chapter 20 The falling notes

Chapter 20 The falling notes

2021-03-03    02'37''

主播: 心妞妞

392 1

中英文台词: On Wednesday morning, the sky is covered with grey clouds. The air is filled with mist or even a little bit of smog. It feels like it's going to be an unpleasant, rainy day. Frosty and I get into Dr. John's house again. But this time we follow a different path in the back yard. We walk across a wooden bridge above water, which circles around the big house like a silver belt. The water is very clear, like a mirror reflecting the morning light. I see shining coins lying on the bottom. Then I suddenly feel I have been in this place before. But I can't recall anything. 周三清晨,天空乌云密布。空气中弥漫着薄雾,甚至还有一些雾霾。今天天气不太令人愉悦,看着像会下雨。我和霜妹再次来到约翰博士的住宅,但这次我们走了后院另一条路。一湾小河像银丝带一样环绕别墅,一座木桥横跨河面,我们走上小桥。桥下河水清澈见底,像明镜般反射出点点晨光。我看到一些硬币沉在河底,发出闪闪亮光。突然,我隐约觉得自己之前来过这里,但却什么也记不起来了。 Quietly, on our tip-toes, we walk down the stairs to the basement. Instead of saying Merry Christmas this time, the parrot claps its wings loudly. A feather drops from its tail. The bird has tears in its eyes. 我们踮起脚尖,悄悄沿着楼梯下楼,往地下室走。这次,鹦鹉没再祝我们圣诞快乐,它只是大声扑腾着翅膀。一根羽毛从它的尾翼掉落下来,它的眼中噙着泪水。 It is dim inside. A lamp is upside down on the floor. Dr. John is sitting in his chair, eyes closed, with his head facing down. Something happened to him. 地下室灯光昏暗,一盏台灯倒落在地面上。约翰博士紧闭双眼,垂头坐在椅子上。他这是怎么了? We move a step closer to Dr. John and find that he is dead. Dr. John is not breathing, and he doesn't have any body heat. Like a professional detective, Frosty looks around quickly. The computer monitor is turned on. Dr. John is sitting in front of his desk with no blood or wounds. But there are chain marks around his neck. He has a painful expression on his face. 我们走进一步,却发现约翰博士已经死了。他没了呼吸,也没了体温。霜妹像专业侦探一样迅速环顾四周:电脑显示屏开着,约翰博士正坐在桌前,他身上没有血迹,也没有伤口,但脖子上却有锁链勒痕,面部表情十分痛苦。 “It looks like he is a crime victim. Somebody killed Dr.John while he was working on his computer,” says Frosty. "约翰博士看似死于他杀,有人趁他在电脑上办公时杀了他。"霜妹说道。 Whatever the truth is, I feel pity for Dr. John. He doesn't deserve this. I am thinking to myself. 不管真相如何,我都为约翰博士感到惋惜。他不应落得这般下场,我暗自想道。 Then a piece of note paper falls off Dr. John's hand. He has hidden it in his hand till now. It must be important and valuable. Frosty picks it up, and it has programming codes on it. 突然,一张纸条从约翰博士手中飘落下来,他之前一直将纸条藏在手心。这纸条一定十分重要,万分珍贵。霜妹捡起纸条,发现上面写满程序代码。