Chapter21 Turning bad

Chapter21 Turning bad

2021-06-01    02'30''

主播: 心妞妞

372 0

中英文台词: “Dr.John is Mr.Gamer, and he is not alive. We should be safe now, ” I say. “约翰博士就是玩家先生,他已经死了。我们现在应该安全了。”我说 “Perhaps it gives us some relief of pressure, but here is another riddle. Who killed him?” Frosty replies. “也许这会让我们感到如释重负,但现在还有个谜团——是谁杀了约翰博士”霜妹问道。 There is a silent moment. Then I ask Frosty, “May I have the notes?” 我们沉默了片刻。然后我问霜妹:“我可以看看那纸条吗?” Keeping the notes in her hand, Frosty looks at me. There is a look in her eyes that makes me nervous. I quickly look down to avoid her attention. I don't have the courage to look back at her. My face is turning pale, and I think Frosty notices it. 霜妹将纸条握在她手里看着我,她的眼神让我感到紧张不安。我迅速低下头来,避免引起她的注意。我没有勇气再去看她。我的脸色变得苍白,我觉得霜妹注意到了这一点。 I feel more and more that my brain is divided apart. In one part of my brain I'm told Frosty is an enemy. I plan to harm her. But the other part of my brain reminds me Frosty is a partner. I can't take any action to hurt my sister. Having lots of stress, I can't overcome the confusions. My mind is trapped! 我越来越觉得我的大脑被一分为二了。一半告诉我霜妹是我的敌人,让我想去伤害她;但另一半又提醒我霜妹是我的伙伴,我不能做出任何伤害妹妹的事。我承受着巨大压力,无法战胜这些困扰我的情绪,我的大脑已经落入陷阱。 Looking at me, Frosty still holds the notes. 霜妹看着我,纸条还握在手上。 “Give me the notes, ” I say to Frosty again and start to behave differently. “把纸条给我。”我对霜妹说道。我的行为举止开始反常。 Frosty nods her head and begins to walk towards the door. I follow her steps. At the door, Frosty suddenly turns around, pushes me out and locks me out of the room. 霜妹点了点头,便朝小房间门口走去,我紧随其后。到了门口,霜妹突然转过身来,将我推出,锁上了锁,将我关在了门外。 “Open the door! ” I make a loud cry. I push my whole body against the door trying to force it open. Getting mad, I am shouting, kicking and banging on the door. I am nearly crazy. “开门!”我大吼一声。我将整个身子贴在门上,用力推门,想要强行把门撞开。我大声叫嚷起来,不停用脚踢门,用拳头砰砰敲门,十分疯狂。我几乎丧失了理智。 Then there is a sound of footsteps coming towards us. Frosty quickly goes to the computer. Using the password she heard from Dr. John's thoughts, she gets into the system. She follows the notes and puts the programming codes into the system. She then presses the enter button on the keyboard. 突然,我们听到一阵脚步声,越走越近。霜妹迅速走向电脑,输入她从约翰博士脑海中探听到的密码,成功地登录进了系统。她按照纸条上的信息息,将程序代码输入到系统中。然后,霜妹按下了键盘上的回车键。 At the moment, my mind is suddenly coming to itself… 就在那时,我的头脑突然恢复了知觉…