Chapter22 Memory coming back

Chapter22 Memory coming back

2021-08-13    02'51''

主播: 心妞妞

361 0

中英文台词: As part of an educational programme,my junior high school organised a field trip in the middle of the school term. My class was invited to visit a private science museum, where we would learn scientific progress and new technologies. 作为教育拓展项目的一部分,每逢期中,我就读的初中都会组织一次野外旅游。我的班级受邀去参加一个私人的科学博物馆,以了解科学进展以及最新科技知识。 Wearing school uniforms, my classmates and I rode the school bus to visit the place. I was sitting next to Tommy. We were full of excitement and joy. 我和同学们穿着校服,乘坐学校大巴前往博物馆,我就坐在汤米旁边,满怀兴奋和快乐之情。 The private museum was built inside a big house owned by someone named Dr.John, a humorous gentleman. He took us into the museum, which had models and many other fascinating displays. New game products were also on show. Dr.John took pride in introducing his assistant to us, who was also his personal servant. The assistant was a machine man in a black suit. He was made of steel and other forms of metal materials, and he had an artificial intelligence brain developed by Dr.John. 私人博物馆建在一栋别墅内,别墅为一名叫约翰博士的人所有,他幽默而又绅士。他将我们带进博物馆,馆内有许多模型,还有很多令人着迷的陈列品。馆内也展示着一些游戏新产品。约翰博士自豪地向我们介绍了他的助理兼私人仆从,一个身穿黑色套装的机器人。他由钢铁及其他形式的金属材料制成,并装备了一颗由约翰博士研发的人工智能大脑。 During the following hour of the visit,the assistant acted as a guide. He handed out brochures and explained to us how new technologies could be used in our daily lives. I was amazed that the machine man was very intelligent. 接下来一个小时的参观中,助理充当起导游。他给我们分发了手册,向我们解释如何将新技术运用到日常生活中。看到机器人竟如此智能,我大为惊奇 Treating us as guests,Dr.John hosted a party and made us feel at home. We felt free to help ourselves to cookies,sour lemon biscuits,and cream pie desserts. There were a lot of food. We were pleased with Dr.John's generosity. 约翰博士将我们视若宾客,盛情款待,还举行了派对,让我们感到宾至如归。我们随心所欲地吃着小甜饼、酸柠檬饼干、奶油馅饼甜点等各式各样的食物。我们都因约翰博士的慷慨,倍感愉悦。 Then someone touched my shoulder in a corner of the room. I turned around. It was the assistant and Tommy. The machine man congratulated me as the lucky winner of a gift. He was giving away spare tickets,which included train tickets and entrance tickets to an amusement park. 在房间角落处,有人摸了摸我的肩。我转过身去,是助理和汤米。助理机器人祝贺我成为一个礼品的幸运得主,他要将多余的票赠送给我,包含火车票和游乐园入场卷。 At first I was surprised and tried to turn down the offer. But I couldn't refuse his kindness. I accepted the tickets. Eating a candy the assistant gave me,I followed an owl to a bridge and saw shining coins in the water. I then walked ahead… 起初我感到有点惊讶,试图拒绝这份馈赠。但我实在无法拒绝他的好意,便收下了票。我吃了助理给我的糖果,跟着一只猫头鹰走上了一座小桥,看到了水底金光闪闪的硬币。随后,我便向前走去… My lost memory is coming back! 那块缺失的记忆正浮现在我的脑海里!