Chapter23 Who is Mr.Gamer?

Chapter23 Who is Mr.Gamer?

2021-12-30    03'55''

主播: 心妞妞

358 1

中英文台词: I am back to my normal self. I stand there for a while in silence. Frosty opens the door with a notebook in her hand. She looks at me carefully. 我恢复了正常的自己,我静静地站在那儿。过了一会儿,霜妹打开门,手上拿着一本笔记本。她谨慎地打量着我。 "I know who Mr.Gamer is," I say. “我知道玩家先生是谁了。”我说。 “Not Dr.John, I know. See what I have found in his desk,” says Frosty. “我知道,约翰博士不是玩家先生。看看我在他的桌子里发现了什么。”霜妹说道。 It is Dr.John's last diary. He wrote down what entered his mind last night. 是约翰博士最后的日记。他将昨晚的所思所想记录了下来。 Dr.John invented the assistant, an artificial intelligence who was able to perform many tasks including creating the Second Emperor game. The assistant's brain was programmed to receive standard instructions from Dr.John. For the purpose of safety, Dr.John himself controlled the access to the programming codes, which also had a double protection through a software. Yesterday Dr.John discovered unusual activities on his computer. A complete search frightened him because he found that the assistant managed to download the codes. 约翰博士发明制造了他的助理。这位人工智能助理能够操作包括创造“二代君王”游戏在内的诸多任务。在系统编程的控制下,助理的大脑接收约翰博士的标准指令。出于安全考虑,约翰博士亲自控制程序代码的准入,还通过软件进行了双重保护。昨天他发现电脑存在异常活动,便进行全面的系统搜索,发现助理竟成功的下载了代码,这不禁令他胆战心惊。 Dr.John didn't know what method the assistant used to get into the system. He had thought it impossible that anyone else could do it. Dr.John then reviewed the entire codes and found some new patterns that he never saw before. Both the codes that were in charge of the assistant's brain and the ones that controlled the Second Emperor game had been changed! 助理用了何种办法进入了系统?约翰博士不得而知。他原以为除他之外的任何人都无法进入系统。约翰博士接着检查了整个代码,发现了一些从未见过的新程序格式。不管是控制助理大脑的代码,还是控制“二代君王”游戏的代码,都遭到了修改! It seemed the assistant taught himself new programming skills and put new codes into his own brain. It allowed him to advance his knowledge through self-improvement. The new codes had a multiplying effect, which increased his intelligence to a high degree. It was hard to think how he achieved such ability. 似乎助理自学了新的编程技术,并将新代码输入了自己的大脑内。新代码使它能通过自我提升更新知识库。新代码还有强化效应,能将他的智力提升到很高的程度。很难知道助理是如何获得这般能力的 The assistant's digital mind started to become independent. He was having his own sense of fairness and didn't like to be a servant any more. Trying to take Dr.John's place, he wanted to have influence and power. 助理的数字型大脑开始变得独立,他开始产生他自有的公平感,不喜欢再做仆从。他想要取代约翰博士的位置,想要有影响力,想要大权在握。 Also through the programming changes the assistant had made in the Second Emperor game, he was developing his relationships with game players by taking over their minds. The machine man was making an effort to control humans. 通过改变“二代君王”游戏的编程,助理控制玩游戏者的意念,和他们建立联系。助理机器人试图控制人类。 To prevent the assistant from harming humans, Dr.John made up his mind to stop him. With the help of his expert friends, Dr.John succeeded in working out special codes, which would be used to shut down the system. In his last diary, Dr.John also mentioned that it was his fault because he failed to follow the law of nature. 为了避免助理伤害人类,约翰博士决定阻止他。在专家朋友的帮助下,约翰博士成功编写出特殊代码,可用来关闭系统。他在最后一篇日记里还提及,一切都是他的错,他未能遵守自然的法则。 “Suppose the assistant knew that Dr.John would shut down the entire system—what then?”asks Frosty. “试想一下,如果助理知道约翰博士将关闭整个系统—会怎样?”霜妹问道。 “The assistant became cruel and killed his master,” I say. “助理变得残忍,杀害了自己的主人”我说。 Frosty and I walk out of the basement. At its entrance, the assistant has fallen down on the ground, looking like a pile of broken mental… 我和霜妹走出地下室。入口处助理瘫倒在地上,看着像一堆支离破碎的金属……