Chapter 1 Footsteps in the sea

Chapter 1 Footsteps in the sea

2022-04-10    03'42''

主播: 心妞妞

374 2

中英文台词: It is nice weather today. The blue sky is covered with thin clouds at great height. The midday sun shines on the beautiful white sands of a harbour beach facing the Pacific Ocean. There is no one else on the beach except a young girl, quietly walking westwards along the coast. 今天天气真好。天高云淡,晴空一碧如洗。太平洋沿岸港口的海滩上,正午时光明媚的阳光将美丽的白纱照得闪闪发亮。举目望去,海滩上只有一个小女孩,她正沿着海岸静静往西走去。 The girl is a very bright, energetic person. She wears an attractive white skirt that fits her slim figure perfectly. As a mild wind blows her hair across her cheeks, the waves come and go, touching the bare skin of her feet. The girl enjoys spending her time on the beach. 女孩聪明伶俐,活力四射。她穿着一袭白裙,和她那纤细的身材相得益彰,十分惹眼。清风拂面,她的秀发抚过脸颊;潮涨潮落,海浪亲吻着她的光脚丫。女孩享受着在海滩上的时光。 Somehow a footsteps shows up on the sand in front of the girl. Up close she can see that it is a fresh human footprint, which is approximately 15 centimetres in length. Curious, she puts one of her feet in it. To her surprise, it is a perfect fit! Is it her own footprint? She then sees the second, third, and fourth footprints… New footprints magically appear on the sand, making its way to the deep ocean. 不知何故,女孩前面的沙滩上出现了一个脚印。她定睛一看,这脚印大约15厘米长,不知道是谁刚刚留下的。她出于好奇,便把自己的一只脚放到上面。令她感到震惊的是,这脚印竟然和她的脚一模一样大!这难道是她自己的脚印吗?女孩往前看去,发现了第二个、第三个、第四个脚印……脚印像变戏法一样出现在沙滩上,向大海深处延伸。 The girl wonders why she is shown the footsteps that lead somewhere beneath the sea. She looks puzzled as she watches the endless waves rising and falling. 女孩不知道为何这串通往大海的脚印会出现在她面前。看着起起伏伏的海浪,她感到困惑不已。 How is it possible to follow the footsteps into the deep sea? She then hears a voice sounding in her head, "Come to me." 循着脚印怎能走进大海的深处?这太离奇了。此时,她听到脑海中有个声音在呼唤她,过来吧。 At the moment the girl starts to walk towards the sea, the water is being pushed backwards and aside. The separation of water creates a narrow path on the sea floor, spreading south-west into the blue sea. 女孩即刻朝大海走去,面前的海水迅速后撤及向两旁褪去,分割的海水为她在海底开辟了一条狭窄小径,一直往西南方向延伸,通入蔚蓝的大海。 Following the footprints down the path, the girl gets deep into the ocean. What a terrific view! The surrounding water along the path looks splendid. It all occurs very quickly. She feels like being in the world of a magical tale. 女孩循着脚印往前走,径直走向大海的深处。海景蔚为壮观,奔腾在小径四周的海水令人叹为观止。一切来得这么突然,女孩感觉就像走进了魔幻的神话世界。 The girl keeps walking. Then, in the near distance, something with bright flashes on the sea floor comes in sight. As she approaches the spot, the girl sees a small wooden suitcase lying on the floor. 女孩继续往前走去。突然,她看到前方不远处的海底有个东西正闪烁着耀眼光芒。走近之后,她发现那是一个木制的小手提箱。 She bends forward from her waist, taking a closer look at the suitcase. Hesitating for a second, she then reaches out her hand to touch it… 女孩弯腰俯下身来,仔细打量起手提箱。她犹豫了片刻,之后便伸出手触摸了箱子…… For that quick moment, the water along the path stops moving, and the entire surroundings suddenly become quiet. The girl does not hear any sound as if her sense of hearing is disappearing. But she feels a shaking in her heart, which is beating twice as fast in her breast. It seems that there is a natural connection between her and the suitcase. As dozens of seagulls fly overhead in the blue sky, the girl picks up the suitcase and starts to walk back towards the shore. 刹那间,小径两旁的海水停止了流动,四周万籁俱寂。女孩什么声音也听不到,双耳好像失聪一般;但是,她能感受到胸膛的心脏在剧烈的跳动,心跳加速了一倍。似乎她和手提箱之间有着与生俱来的某种联系。海鸥成群结队,在头顶上方的蓝天盘旋。女孩提起手提箱,转身往海岸走去。