Chapter16 Dr.John

Chapter16 Dr.John

2020-08-05    02'44''

主播: 心妞妞

469 1

中英文台词: It is Tuesday morning. The eastern sky turns red as the sun comes up. Frosty and I want to do some research on the background of Dr. John. We come to the local public Library. 今天是周二。早晨,太阳冉冉升起,东方露出绯红色。我和霜妹想研究约翰博士的背景信息,便来到了当地公共图书馆。 We find some personal stories, interviews and dialogues in newspapers. Some websites also provide plenty of information about Dr. John. 我们翻阅报纸,发现了些个人故事,人物访谈和对话,有些网站上也可查询到约翰博士的诸多信息。 Dr. John has British ancestors. He was born in Australia. John's family moved back to the UK when he was five years old. His mother had some health problems and died of cancer. So John spent much of his childhood living with his grandfather. 约翰博士的祖先是英国人。他在澳大利亚出生,五岁时随家人搬回英国。他的母亲遭遇健康问题,死于癌症,所以约翰童年很多时候都和爷爷住在一起。 When John grew up and graduated from high school he went to college in Canada. According to the college's website, John first studied chemistry and then changed to physics, mostly modern physics. 约翰渐渐长大,高中毕业后,他就读于加拿大某所大学。据该大学官网信息显示,约翰起初学的是化学专业,后来又转学物理专业,主攻现代物理学。 After college John found a research job in a famous university in the United States. He was an intelligent, creative and hard-working scientist. Dr. John has been doing very well promoting his research. Many of his articles have been translated into other languages. 大学毕业后,他就职于美国某所名校,担任研究员。他曾是一位智力超群,极富创造力,孜孜不倦的科学家。他大力推广自己的研究,成果颇丰,他撰写的诸多文章被翻译成多种语言。 Dr. John has now become a leader and an expert in the subject matter of artificial intelligence, the so-called ’AI’. His AI projects have been heavily supported by the government at both provincial and national levels, and the support is worth billions of dollars. 约翰博士现在是人工智能—及所谓的AI学科带头人专家,他的AI项目得到省府和国家政府的大力支持,获得数十亿美元的资助。 Two years ago, Dr. John also founded a video game company and served as its president. The company has been running well, which has brought him his great wealth. Being praised, admired and honoured, Dr. John has won personal fame. 两年前,约翰博士创办了一家电子游戏公司,并担任公司主席。公司运营状况良好,为他创造了巨大的财富。约翰博士受到表彰,得到众人的钦佩和尊敬,赢得了极高的个人声望。 “It seems that Dr.John is all goodness. Does he also have an ugly side?” Frosty says to herself. "似乎约翰博士就是美德的化身,他也会有丑陋的一面吗?"霜妹暗自想道。