Chapter15 The Second Emperor

Chapter15 The Second Emperor

2020-07-10    03'02''

主播: 心妞妞

493 1

中英文台词: Frosty puts the key back and covers the hole. We walk back home. 霜妹将钥匙放了回去,并遮上了洞口。我们往回走去。 “Who is Dr.John? I think he is the person who got into our house today. He didn't know that Woof followed him after he left our house,” says Frosty. “约翰博士是谁?我猜就是他今天进了我们家。他不知道自己离开后,旺旺一直尾随在他身后。”霜妹说道。 “Anyway, the owner of the house must be a rich businessman. The letter that I saw is a typical ad in the game industry, ” Frosty continues. "不论如何,别墅主人一定是个富商。我看那封信是一份典型的游戏行业广告。"霜妹继续说道。 “There is a flag in the house's front yard. It has a brand icon. The picture symbol is similar to the one that is used in the Second Emperor,” I say. "别墅前院有面旗,旗子上印着一个品牌图标。那符号和二代君王里面用的符号很像。"我说 “The Internet game that you showed to me the other day?” asks Frosty. "是那天你给我看的那个网络游戏吗?"霜妹问道。 “Yeah, don't you think that game is fascinating? The rules of the game are simple and general. You may also choose different characters. Except being a king, you may be a queen, a prime minister, or a hero, and so on. It requires teamwork fighting in a desert. And you're competing with millions of people around the world,” I say. "对,你难道不觉得那游戏很有吸引力吗?游戏规则十分简单,全场通用。玩游戏者可以选择不同角色,除了君王,还可以做王后、首相或者英雄等。在沙漠作战时,还需要团队合作。游戏者是在和全球数百万人竞赛。"我说。 “I prefer to stay away from that game. In my opinion, it is more or less a waste of time.I also think the game wants to control you,” says Frosty. "我宁愿远离那个游戏。我觉得玩游戏多多少少是在浪费时间,而且我觉得那个游戏想要掌控你。"霜妹说道。 “No, I don't think so. It's just a game,” I say. "I follow the game faithfully and move up to high levels gradually. Once I have collected enough points and become one of the top1 percent of players, I can even make money." I certainly seems to be happy while talking about my favourite game. "没呀,我倒不觉得是这样,就只是游戏而已呀。”我说,“作为那个游戏的忠实粉丝,我逐渐上升到高的级别。一旦我的积分足够多,能登上玩家榜单前1%,我还可以玩游戏赚钱。"聊着我挚爱的游戏,我看上去肯定是眉飞色舞。 “Based on a survey, the Second Emperor has become one of the top game products among the list of popular games nowadays. It has been developing its own game community. The number of its members has been increasing quickly. As far as I know, the game attracts most of the young people,” I keep talking. "最近的市场调查显示,二代君王现已荣获热门游戏榜单,位列顶级游戏产品之列。它正在开发自己的游戏社区,会员数量也保持迅猛增长。据我所知,大多数年轻人都被这款游戏吸引。"我滔滔不绝地说道。 “So Dr.John is the owner of the Second Emperor. Is he Mr.Gamer?” Frosty asks, looking at me. I suddenly become silent and I don't know why. We get back home pretty late at night. "那么,约翰博士是二代君王的主人。他是玩家先生吗?"霜妹看着我问道。不知为何,我立即陷入了沉默。我们到家时,夜已经深了。
上一期: Chapter14 Dog sense
下一期: Chapter16 Dr.John