Chapter14 Dog sense

Chapter14 Dog sense

2020-06-16    04'16''

主播: 心妞妞

483 2

中英文台词: Is Tommy Mr. Gamer? How could he be responsible for the terror that has happened? It is so unexpected. Tommy is the kind of shy kid whose face turns red if you even look at him. But he likes making new friends. "玩家先生"难道是汤米?他怎么会是这一系列恐怖事件的主谋呢?太出乎意料了!汤米生性腼腆,甚至有人看着他,他都会脸红,但他喜欢广交朋友。 "Is Tommy your friend? Did you boys get on with each other?" asks Frosty. “汤米是你的朋友吗?你们男生之间相处和睦吗?”霜妹问道。 “Yeah, I think so. We run on the same 4*100 Lap Relay team in our P.E. class. After class we play sports together like table tennis, badminton and soccer. I don't think Tommy is the person. I want to ask him right now,” I say. "我觉得相处的挺好的呀。体育课上4×100接力赛,我们在同一个组。课后,我们还一起参加体育运动,打打乒乓球,羽毛球,踢踢足球什么的。我觉得汤米不是玩家先生,我想立刻问问他。"我说 We leave the bookshop and then get to Tommy's place in the afternoon. It is a high-rent apartment building. His elder cousin is coaching him to ride a bike outside the building's yard. Tommy is happy when he sees me. He says hi to us. 我们离开书店,下午便去了趟米家,这是一栋租金高昂的公寓。他的表哥正在公寓院子外指导他骑自行车。看到我来了,汤米开心地和我们打了声招呼。 “Are you playing a hoax on me?” I ask Tommy. "你是在和我玩恶作剧吗?"我问汤米。 "I beg your pardon, " Tommy looks totally confused. "抱歉,你在说什么?"汤米看上去满脸疑惑。 “Did you give me some tickets last week?” I continue asking. "上周的票是你给我的,对吗?"我继续问道。 “No, I didn't. And I have no idea what you're talking about, ” Tommy replies. His voice is firm, and he doesn't sound like a cheat. While I'm thinking about how to deal with the conversation, his stepmother comes out of the apartment. She asks Tommy to get ready to go. Then they leave for a picnic area along the coast. "我没有呀,我听不懂你在说什么?"汤米回答道。他的声音笃定而又坚决,听着不像是在骗人。我思考着该如何应付这番谈话,这时他的继母从公寓里走了出来,她让汤米准备出发。然后,他们便前往海岸边的一个野餐区了。 What shall we do now? Neither Frosty nor I know our next step. On the way walking back to our house, Frosty thinks quietly. She almost walks straight into a truck. The weather then becomes showery. We rush back home. 我们现在该做什么呢?我和霜妹都不知道下一步该如何是好。我们步行回家,一路上,霜妹都在静静思考着,还差点直直撞上了一辆卡车。突然下起阵雨来,我们赶紧跑回了家。 The day passes so fast. It's already dark when we get home. wagging his tail, Woof is rubbing Frosty's leg. Looks like our smart dog wants to show us something. There's a fallen plastic object on the reading room floor. Frosty picks it up and put it away on the wooden bookcase. She then sees a footprint and white sands on the floor surface. 一天很快就过去了。我们到家时天已经黑了,汪汪摇着尾巴,蹭蹭霜妹的腿。聪明的汪汪似乎想要给我们看些什么。书房地上倒着一个塑料制品,霜妹将它捡了起来,收好放到木头书架上。然后她发现地面有个脚印,和一些白沙。 "Someone got into the house when we were absent from home." Frosty says while using a broom to sweep the sands. There is silence in the room. We all know it was not just a thief or a robber who tried to steal something. The person was probably looking for Frosty and me. "我们出门之后,有人来过家里。"霜妹边说边拿起扫帚扫走沙子。屋内静悄悄的,我们都知道这并非小偷、强盗入室行窃,这人可能就是来找我和霜妹的。 Woof then starts circling around, trying to lead us outside. The storm is over. It is a bit cold in the evening. Frosty puts on a red sweater. She and I follows Woof, running into the darkness. Woof runs fast. It is hard to catch up with him. I also trip over a big stick in the dark. 旺旺开始四处转圈,想让我们跟他出去。暴风雨已经停了,晚上外面有点凉,霜妹便穿上红毛衣。我们跟着旺旺跑进了茫茫的夜色里,旺旺跑得很快,我们都快跟不上他了。黑夜中,我还被一根木棍绊了一跤。 Woof finally stops running half an hour later. In front of us is a fantastic building in the beach area. Its huge front yard has colourful lanterns of different shapes. Looking like an explorer, Woof starts digging a hole next to a small tree outside the closed gate. There is a key inside a box buried there! Frosty then picks up a letter from the house's mailbox. The letter is to Dr. John. 跑了半个小时后,汪汪终于停了下来。我们面前是一栋精美绝伦的海滩别墅,别墅前院悬挂着五颜六色,形状各异的灯笼。大门紧闭,汪汪便在门外的一棵小树旁刨起洞来,看着好似探险家一般。那里竟然埋着一个盒子,盒子里面放着一把钥匙,霜妹在门口的邮箱里拿起了一封信,信是写给约翰博士的。