Chapter10 The seed is planted

Chapter10 The seed is planted

2023-04-01    03'20''

主播: 心妞妞

416 1

中英文台词: Time is flying, it is the year 1643… 光阴如梭,现在到了1643年…… “Are we in a virtual world?” I try to figure out what just happened to us. "我们是在虚拟时空里吗?"我试图理清我们所经历的一切。 "The time transporter just ran its own schedule. We are now in a village community," Frosty turns to me as a curious smile spreads across her face. "时空穿梭器按照自己的时刻表行驶。我们现在在一个农村社区。"霜妹转身面向我,脸上浮现出一丝好奇的微笑。 In this village, the majority of the people are the British. There are some foreign settlers as well. It seems that Frosty knows what she is doing. She leads me towards a bungalow with red bricks and a low roof, which is located on the outer space of the village area. We get into the yard full of weed and wild mushrooms through a small gate of Its fence. 村子里大多住着英国人,也有一些外国人在此定居。霜妹似乎知道自己的使命。她带我朝村口一间低檐红砖平房走去。我们穿过一扇小栅栏门,走进了院子里。院子里杂草丛生,野生蘑菇随处可见。 It is an old house. The living room and the kitchen are poorly furnished with little furniture. Some decorations are hung on the ceiling of the bedroom. The planning style of the bedroom indicates that the family is expecting a baby. 这屋子年代已久,客厅及厨房装潢均非常简朴,家具也寥寥无几。卧室的天花板上挂着一些装饰品,从室内摆设风格来看,这家人正准备迎接新生儿的到来。 The house is owned by a poor couple. The husband was employed by a construction corporation that paid low salaries. The absence of safe and secure working conditions made construction work a dangerous occupation. He also worked as a warehouse Porter in the evenings, and every extra penny he earned from this second job was a bonus. Wearing no helmet, the husband was hit on the head with a brick at a construction site one day, and he died from head injuries. 这屋子为一对贫困的夫妇所有。丈夫曾在建筑公司工作,工资少的可怜。建筑行业缺乏安全的工作环境,是份高危职业。丈夫晚上还打第二份工,在仓库做搬运工,可以额外挣些钱,算是额外津贴了。某天工作时他没戴头盔,在建筑工地上被一块砖头砸到了头,头部受了伤因此丧命。 At that time, his wife was about seven months pregnant. She almost had an abortion shortly after her husband died. 那时他的妻子怀孕约七个月。丈夫去世后不久,她也险些流产。 As a housewife, She didn't have any source of income. She now makes a kind of yummy drink and sells to villagers to make some money. She mixes water with a green liquid squeezed from herbs, then adds a spoonful of powder sugar to the drink. It is her grandmother's recipe. The wife works hard every day and hangs on. 她本是家庭主妇,没有任何收入来源。现在她调制一款可口饮料,卖给村民们挣点钱。她从药草中挤出绿色液体,掺在水里,再加入一勺粉末碎糖,即可调制而成。这是她祖母的秘方。妻子每天辛苦工作,勉强度日。 Inside the house, a glass vase is now filled with wild flowers; the hot steam in a water kettle blows a constant singing whistle. Wearing a worn vest, a skilful helper is busy making all the preparations for the delighted moment. The wife delivers a baby boy. In honour of his father, the boy is named after him. 屋内的玻璃花瓶中插满了野花;水壶里的热水一直沸腾着,吹着哨。旁边有一位技巧娴熟的帮手,她穿着一件破旧背心,忙前忙后地为那欢愉时刻做着准备。妻子生了一个男婴。为纪念他的父亲,便以父亲的名字给男婴命名。 From her pocket, Frosty takes out the brown seed that she got from the wooden suitcase. Using a spade she finds in the yard, Frosty digs a hole and plants the seed in the ground. A squirrel watches us from the other side of the yard chewing on a walnut. 霜妹从口袋里掏出了那粒从木箱找到的褐色种子。她在院子里找了把铲子,挖了个洞,将种子埋在了地下。院子那头,一只松鼠边咀嚼着胡桃边看着我们。 "It is Christmas today. Cheers!" “今天是圣诞节。干杯!” Frosty turns to me and says, pretending to pour a drink and toast. Even if there is no real drink, a sense of pure happiness is floating in the air! 霜妹转身看着我说道。她假装倒了一杯酒,举起酒杯。虽然没有东西可喝,但空气中却洋溢着一股纯真的喜悦之情!