

2020-05-04    02'29''

主播: 最英语MostEnglish

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主导的感觉真棒。 作品|电影《怦然心动》 朗读|Faye --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 《Flipped》 It felt good to take charge. 主导的感觉真棒。 I felt strong, in control. 主导权让我感到一切都在掌控之中。 I told Bryce what I thought and I was determined not to talk to him for the rest of the evening. 我把自己的想法告诉Bryce,我下定决心整个晚上都不要跟他说话。 At dinner it struck me that we were sharing a meal with a group of strangers. 晚餐时我很诧异我们竟然跟一群陌生人共餐。 We’d lived across the street from the Loskis for years, but except for Chet, I didn’t know these people at all. 我们住在Loski家对面很多年,但除了Chet之外,其他人我一点都不了解。 Mr. Loski was clean and smooth on the outside, but it seemed like there was something rotten buried just beneath the surface. Loski先生外表看起来干净利落,但外表之下似乎埋藏了很差劲的东西。 By the end of the evening, all I felt was detached, neutral. 到最后,我只感到超然的中立。 No fireworks, no leftover anger, no flutters, nothing. 没有花火,没有余怒,没有悸动,什么都没有。