【明星说】贾斯汀·比伯Justin Bieber💫

【明星说】贾斯汀·比伯Justin Bieber💫

2020-04-19    04'41''

主播: 新联学院英语广播电台

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贾斯汀 比伯:Justin Bieber Justin Bieber is a Canadian pop star and actor. He was born on the 1st of March 1994. He wanted to be a musician for as long as he could remember. When he was a child, he taught himself to play the piano, guitar, trumpet and drums. In 2007, his mother posted many videos of him singing covers of blues and soul songs. A record company executive saw one and in 2008 Bieber signed for Island Records. 贾斯汀·比伯是加拿大流行歌手,演员。他出生于1994年3月1日。他从小的愿望就是成为一名歌手。孩童时期,他自学钢琴、吉他、小号和打击乐。2007年,比伯的母亲将许多他翻唱的布鲁斯,灵魂音乐上传到了网上。一家唱片公司总监发现了他,2008年,比伯与小岛唱片签约。 Bieber's first single, "One Time", reached number 17 on America’s Billboard Hot 100. His first album, “My World”, was released in November 2009. It went platinum in the U.S. He went on tour to promote the album. The 3D movie of the tour nearly broke the sales record for the biggest opening weekend for a concert movie. Bieber also appeared on many prime time TV shows in the US. 比伯的第一首单曲《One Time》排在了“公告牌百强单曲榜”第17位。2009年11月,首张专辑《我的世界》发布。并在美国达到了白金销量。为宣传专辑,他开始巡回演唱。他的3D演唱会电影差点打破了该类电影上映首个周末的销量纪录。他还多次登上黄金时间段电视节目。 Bieber has become an international star in a very short period of time. In 2010 he won the Artist of the Year award at the American Music Awards. He was also nominated for Best New Artist at the Grammy’s. Bieber appeared in several TV roles, including in the hit TV series CSI. He has also sung on records for charity to help victims of the Haiti and Japan earthquakes. 在很短一段时间里,比伯成为了国际巨星。2010年,他获得全美音乐奖“年度最佳艺人奖”。还曾提名格莱美奖“最佳新人奖”。他还在电视剧中扮演过多个角色,包括红遍一时的《犯罪现场调查》。并为慈善组织献唱,帮助海地和日本地震遇难群众筹款。 Justin Bieber is a modern-day star. He is highly popular on Internet sites. He has over six million followers on Twitter, which he uses to chat with his fans. Romantically, Bieber has been linked to reality TV star Kim Kardashian and Selena Gomez, although Bieber says this was just gossip. He is also often the target of criticism and pranks on the Internet. 贾斯汀·比伯是当代歌星。在互联网上大受关注。他的推特粉丝超600万,他还利用推特与粉丝互动。他还与真人秀明星金·卡戴珊和赛琳娜·戈麦斯产生瓜葛,但比伯称这只是传闻。同样,人们也在互联网对他进行恶搞和指责。