【听歌学英语】Lemon tree

【听歌学英语】Lemon tree

2020-12-06    06'18''

主播: 新联学院英语广播电台

537 4

Hello everyone!Welcome to Campus Radio Service. This is Luna. Today I wanna share with you a classic song named "Lemon Tree". “Lemon Tree"这首歌是写一位大男孩在某个下着太阳雨的星期天下午等着他女朋友,而此歌曲将等人时的焦虑不安及胡思乱想的心情表现的淋漓尽致。I'm sitting here in a boring room,我坐在这了无生趣的房间里,It's just another rainy Sunday afternoon,又是一个阴雨绵绵的周日下午,I'm wasting my time I got nothing to do,除了消磨时间,我没有什么事情可做,I'm hanging around I'm waiting for you,我坐立难安四处徘徊,等着你的到来,But nothing ever happens and I wonder,但你终究未来,只剩我一人,我很郁闷. 这首歌也充满了六、七十年代的音乐感觉,畅快,浓郁和真实情感的自然流露。I wonder how, I wonder why,我不知所措,我不明所以,Yesterday you told me about the blue blue sky,分明不久前你还与我谈论过美丽的好天气,And all that I can see,但如今在我眼前的,is just a yellow lemon tree,只有一株金黄的柠檬树。好了,下面我们一起来欣赏这首歌曲吧!欣赏完美妙的歌声过后,一起来学习里面的短语吧。I'm hanging around I'm waiting for you. hang around闲荡,徘徊,无所事事的意思 如:You shoudn't hang around alone at night.你不应该一个人在晚上闲逛。 wait for sb. 等待某人 如:I'm quite happy to wait for you here. 我非常高兴在此等候您。 I'm turning my head up and down. up and down上上下下,到处,前前后后的意思 如:The boat rocked up and down in rhythm with the sea小船随着海浪起伏有致。 I'd like to go out taking a shower. take a shower洗淋浴 如:You don't have to take a shower every day.好了,本期的听歌学英语栏目到这里就结束了。感谢大家的收听,我们下期再见。