今天要读的是很多粉丝想听的《我爸爸》My Dad 点播者:@彬 @兰 @何元宏 @万凯 @乔巧 @困困 @三颗胖 @谭万里 绘本简介: My Dad Anthony Browne 适合年龄:2Y+ My Dad 是很多小书虫的启蒙读物之一,字不多,是一本朴实幽默又充满温情的绘本。作者安东尼.布朗曾获2000年国际安徒生大奖。主要讲的是关于“我爸爸”的一些让人喜爱之处,比如爸爸很强壮、胃口很棒、喜欢逗我笑、可以赶走大灰狼。 我们给苏宝引入这本书比较晚,因为小月龄宝宝容易撕书,又没有找到纸板版本的,就等到她一岁以后才买来读给她听。没想到苏宝对这本书很是一见钟情,经常从书架上抽出来主动要我们读(尤其是和爸爸共读的时候)。 《我爸爸》这本书里还有个隐藏的用心之处:太阳。这个图案常常出现在书里,比如赶走大灰狼时门上的太阳图案,爸爸喝咖啡时身后墙上的太阳。一会太阳又藏到了爸爸衣服里面,隐喻爸爸像太阳一样,让宝宝感到温暖和安全…… He's all right, my dad. My dad isn't afraid of ANYTHING, even the Big Bad Wolf. He can jump right over the moon, and walk on a tightrope (without falling off). He can wrestle with giants, or win the father's race on sports day, easily. He's all right, my dad. My dad can eat like a horse, and he can swim like a fish. He's as strong as a gorilla, and as happy as a hippopotamus. He's all right, my dad. My dad's as big as a house, and as soft as my teddy. He's as wise as an owl, except when he tries to help. He's all right, my dad. My dad's a great dancer, and a brilliant singer. He's fantastic at soccer, and he makes me laugh. A lot. I love my dad. And you know what? HE LOVES ME! (And he always will.) 你家宝宝想听什么绘本,可以在公众号xiaoxiaosu177留言告诉苏妈。