Unheard English: 电玩城 Funspot

Unheard English: 电玩城 Funspot

2016-08-28    22'17''

主播: 小扎老师

560 14

【Dig Dug – Game Start Music】 【Blackout City – Anamanaguchi】 大家好!欢迎收听Unheard English!在这期节目中,我们要来跟一个嘉宾讲一讲arcades(电玩城)和80年代的老游戏。听众们也可以访问下面的网站学更多哦! 网站:http://www.zgilly.com/unheard 微博:zgilly-unheard QQ群号:471186171 主持人:Hello ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls! 我今天开心极了,你知道为什么呢?就是因为我最近有机会去了我童年最喜欢去玩的地方,Funspot! 主持人:那Funspot是什么意思呢?Fun就是“好玩”的意思,经常会说“have fun”或者某个事情“is fun”,比如:New York is fun或者I want to have fun。还有spot,这个词就是地点的意思。所以,Funspot是一个好玩的地方,具体一点的说它是一个arcade,电玩城。 主持人:So,why am I telling you this?因为我去Funspot的时候不但趁机会玩儿了一下80年代的老游戏,也采访了一个电玩城的创建人Gary Vincent!我先让他来介绍一下Funspot吧,可是介绍之前,我要说一些关键词。 主持人:你们得记得,听着一段录音的时候,并不需要听懂整个录音,只要你能听到最重要的关键词,懂大概的意思就可以了。所以,我交给你们的任务是集中注意力听到我即将要说的关键词! 主持人:好的,这段话的关键词是… Vocabulary Arcade – 电玩城 Family entertainment center – 家庭娱乐中心 Coin-operated games – 投币游戏机 Kiddie – 孩子 Bowling – 保龄球 Miniature golf – 小型高尔夫球,迷你高尔夫球 Tavern – 酒馆 Guinness world record – 吉尼斯世界纪录 主持人:接下来的录音中是嘉宾Gary Vincent,他要来介绍Funspot。 Zach:Can you tell me what Funspot is? Gary Vincent:Funspot is a family entertainment center. We have coin operated games, we have a kiddie room dedicated mainly to children, we have 20 lanes of bowling, an indoor miniature golf course, we have a bingo hall, a tavern, there’s the monkey trunks, high ropes and zip lines outdoors, and in 2008 received the certificate from Guinness world records which is hanging upstairs in the main entrance as the world’s largest arcade. 主持人:哇,你们听到了吗?The world’s largest arcade!没错,世界上最大的电玩城,有很多80年代的游戏机,retro games,复古游戏。对我而言,它真是世外桃源:paradise,heaven on earth。 主持人:不过,你可能对自己说:huh,好多我不认识的词,对吧?Have no fear,那段话中有许多不常见的词,而且那些词并不重要,可是想学更多的听众们可以访问到zgilly.com/unheard并看看这些词到底是什么意思。 主持人:我们重复讲一下刚才说的那些关键词,还要说说一些短语说法。想提高自己说的发音的同学,我推荐你们也跟着我说出这些词和例子,不管你在家里还是在地铁上!别人奇怪的看着你也没有关系! Arcade – 电玩城 Family entertainment center – 家庭娱乐中心 这两个词的意思不一样。Arcade表示里面肯定有游戏机,但是对于Family Entertainment Center来说,这不一定。Family Entertainment Center这种地方可能有各种各样的具有吸引力的事物,可是不一定是video games。 Examples:This arcade has three floors filled with games. The family entertainment center is meant for children of all ages. Coin-operated games – 投币游戏机 Example: Coin-operated games were really popular in the 80’s, but they’re not as common nowadays. Kiddie – 孩子 Kiddie就是孩子的意思,有时候也带着有点贬义(bian3 yi4)的意义。要看语境,我们刚才听到Gary说kiddie room没有贬义意义。 Examples:You can sit at the kiddie table. The kiddie area is for children under 6 years old to play. 那这两句哪一句话是代表贬义呢? Bowling – 保龄球 Example: Bowling is a great activity to take a boy or girl out on a date. Miniature golf – 小型高尔夫球,迷你高尔夫球 Example: Miniature golf, also called mini golf, is also a great date activity, and it’s fun for all ages! 我说过了这个短语几次,for all ages,就是适合所有年龄的意思,在广告中经常遇到。 Tavern – 酒馆 Tavern就是别的说法说bar,也比较老一点的说法。 Example: Let’s go to the tavern for a drink and talk about it. Guinness World Record – 吉尼斯世界纪录 The Guinness World Record for tallest Mohawk is 3 feet 8.6 inches. Mohawk是一种发型。 主持人:那段话中还有几个短语我认为值得讨论一下。 【Galaga – Background Theme】 Background Music Phrases Received sth. from smb. – 从某人那儿获得某样东西 We received the certificate from Guinness World Records. I received some mail from my mother. 这个句型真的很容易!I,就是我或者什么主语,received,收到的过去式,something,什么名词都可以,from somebody,发送的人或者组织。我再举个例子: I received the email from your company yesterday. 我们也可以用这个句型说未来的事情: You will receive a prize from our sponsors. 【Waterworld – Underwater】 Background music The world’s biggest arcade – 世界最大的电玩城 He is the world’s fattest man! 这说法很有用来描述东西!你也可以用这个说法来夸张描述某个东西,我们说英语时会经常这样说,比如: This is the world’s tastiest sandwich! 你要记得,句子是这样说:the world’s 后面要说一个superlative。Superlative是什么意思呢?就是表示最高级的!比如:big最高级是biggest,fast最高级是fastest,small最高级是smallest。能看出模式吧?英语还有另外一个方式说最高级,比如:amazing最高级是most amazing,beautiful最高级是most beautiful,difficult最高级是most difficult。模式就是三个音节以上要用most再说形容词!对了,还有其他的不规侧(gui1 ze3)的词,比如:good或者well最高级是best,bad最高级是worst,many和much最高级是most。听众们想知道一个英语单词的superlative,你们立刻就留言问我!我会回复你说superlative。 主持人:Wow,我们今天已经讲了很多的细节。从现在开始,我们要继续听Gary和我的采访。听完了之后,我希望你们能回答接下来的5个问题: Question One: How long has Gary been working at Funspot? Gary在Funspot工作了多少年? Question Two: Did the owner of Funspot think Gary had a good idea? Funspot的店主认为Gary的主意怎么样? Question Three: About the tournament, how many countries does Gary mention? What are they? 在Gary说的比赛中,他提到了几个国家?说的几个国家是那些国家? Question Four: How many years has the tournament been going? When did it start? 比赛已经连续了多少年?是什么时候开始的? Question Five: How many games are there in Funspot? Funspot里面一共有多少游戏机? Gary: I’ve worked at Funspot, would be 35 years next month, and back in 1998 I asked the owner of Funspot if I could take the few remaining older games that were here, move them into one area on the third floor that we were not using, and create as I called it a museum of sorts. The owner said that’d be a great idea, go ahead, you know, do it. So I did and then I found out that people really liked it. So the following May we did a tournament which brought people in from across the United States, Canada, we even had one gentleman come from Israel. From then on, I did the tournament for 16 years in a row and the past two years I turned the reins of it over to a friend of mine, John Jacobson, who runs a podcast on classic games and such, and he’s been running it the past two years. Zach: How many games are there? Gary: Right now, there are ‘bout 275 classics up on the third floor. 主持人:好的!你能不能回答问题呢?我现在警告你:你如果不能自信地回答问题的话,先倒回(dao4 hui2)一下再仔细听一遍! 【Ratchet and Clank – Logging Site】- Background Music Question One: How long has Gary been working at Funspot? Answer: I’ve worked at Funspot, would be 35 years next month. 那正确的回答大概是这样: Gary has been working at Funspot for almost 35 years. Question Two: Did the owner of Funspot think Gary had a good idea? Answer: The owner said that’d be a great idea, go ahead, you know, do it. 好像Funspot的店主相信了Gary,说开始实施计划! Question Three: About the tournament, how many countries does Gary mention? What are they? Answer: So the following May we did a tournament which brought people in from across the United States, Canada, we even had one gentleman come from Israel. 正确的回答:The USA, Canada, and Israel, so three countries total. Question Four: How many years has the tournament been going? When did it start? 这个问题比较难,因为我们有两个地方可以听到答案:在最前面,还有在最后面。我们再听一遍吧。 Answer:back in 1998 I asked the owner of Funspot if I could take the few remaining older games… the following May we did a tournament 还有这部分 I did the tournament for 16 years in a row and the past two years I turned the reins of it over to a friend of mine, John Jacobson 在第一段刚才播放的录音中,我们可以听到1998年建立了old games arcade,然后接下来的五月开始举办了比赛。还有第二段话中,Gary说他自己进行比赛16年,然后最近两年交给他的朋友这个任务。 【Mass Effect 3 – Credits】 - Background Music Question Five: How many games are there in Funspot? Answer: There are about 275 classics up on the third floor. 我们知道问题是how many开头的,所以明显要仔细寻找数字。There are 275 old games. 主持人:我觉得那段话里还有两有点意思的短语。第一个是“of sorts“,Gary说的句子是” and create as I called it a museum of sorts“。”Of sorts“就像我以前谈过的like和kind of like,听完这一期之后可以去听Episode 2 What Have You Been Playing。我先说几个例子: A 肉夹馍 is a hamburger of sorts. The market is a shopping mall of sorts, pretty much anything you need you can find. 主持人: 用这个说法是为了描述东西。我们先说某个东西是什么样子,再加of sorts在后面。也可以用like混在一起,比如: This game is like a puzzle game of sorts. 主持人:还有第二个有意思的说法:turn the reins over。这个说法特别有意思!它直译的意思就是把缰绳jiang1sheng2交给另一个人去控制马,也就是说,让别人去操作一件事情。把你的权利交给别人的时候,我们会用这个说法,比如: I gave her the reins because she was clearly better than me. If you don’t succeed this time, their company is going to take the reins over this project. 主持人:Phew!我们应该休息一会儿吧,学这么多东西。接下来的录音是我们今天最后要听的一段。现在,什么都不要学!就听Gary来讲他认为为什么人仍然很喜欢玩arcade里面的老游戏。我们下一期节目可以再讲一下他的想法是什么样子。 Zach: Why do you think people still like to play these old games? Gary: The reason… I get asked this questions a lot, and there really is no one simple answer. I think it’s a combination of things. The older games were fun to play, not saying that the new ones are not, but there was a lot sm 不好意思,这里空间不够放全部的文字!到http://www.zgilly.com/unheard去看更多哦!