

2016-05-28    05'14''

主播: 口语大魔王

236 8

要想撩主播,可私信个人微信! NO.1 Bring home the bacon 看起来以为是把猪扛回家,或把熏肉拿回家,其实指赚钱回家养家糊口的意思。如果你在家里赚的比对方多一些,那么你就是那个bring home the bacon的人哦!(但是该短语多用于开玩笑的时候,而不是严肃的情况) In chinese families, men are the ones who usually bring home the bacon. NO.2 That's bananas/nuts 和go bananas/go nuts的含义一模一样,只是这是英国人更偏爱的版本。 If his sister loves his brother, you can say that's nuts! NO.3 The big cheese 真以为这个短语教你说大奶酪呢?长点心啊,这个特指那些大人物,比如你公司的老总!在氛围很好的时候来一句不失为一个拍马屁B格的体现! I‘ve got a meeting with the big cheese today! NO.4 In a pickle 咸菜挺好吃的,但是让你龟缩在咸菜里面你可能也不是很情愿吧。当无所不能的富二代Batman被关在腌菜里也是黔驴技穷了,故这个短语教你的就是说你现在的处境很糟糕,或很难做决定。 I agreed to work tomorrow. But I have a date tomorrow too! Should I cancel the date or call in sick to work? NO.5 Have a lot on my plate 吃的特别多说明胃口特别好!这个短语主要只有很多责任要承担,或者脑海中有很多事情在考虑。 My girlfriend left me, my dog died and I lost my job!I have a lot on my plate at the moment!