

2019-02-01    01'43''

主播: 意趣英语

8108 54

更多实用有趣内容, yiquenglish 意趣英语 It’s at the end of the dairy aisle. 在奶制品货架的最后。 When you go to a grocery store, it will be divided into different sections or aisles. 超市里会有不一样的区块和货架。 In addition to dairy aisles, there will also be a section for meat, produce, breads, frozen foods, drinks, snacks, and beauty products. 除了乳制品区,还有肉制品,农产品,面包,冷冻食品,饮料,零食和护肤美妆区。 Usually, stores are organized in sections and aisles. Each of these sections has a specific set of products that you can find in each area. 超市都会划分区块和货架。每个分区都有特定的东西。 For example, in the conversation the people were in the dairy aisle. You would be able to find milk, yogurt, cream, and other dairy products there. 比如在对话中的乳制品区中,你能找到的产品像是牛奶,酸奶,奶油和其他的乳制品。 This would be the same for other aisles in the store. So if you wanted to buy some soda, you would find it in the drinks section. 其他货架也是一样的。所以如果想买汽水,可以在饮料区找到。 In the conversation, the store worker knew that the heavy cream would be at the end of the dairy aisle. Because of this, he said: "It’s at the end of the dairy aisle." 在对话中,超市工作人员知道奶油在奶制品货架的最后,所以他说”在奶制品货架的最后。“ 更多实用有趣内容, yiquenglish 意趣英语