2019.02.26 离婚

2019.02.26 离婚

2019-03-01    02'04''

主播: 长沙万达美联

338 4

A: Mary, I'm very sorry to hear that you have divorced your husband. Are you OK? B: Thank you. I'm all right but... I feel a little sad A: Let it go. Life will be better. And you also have your cute children. They will keep you company. B(weeping): They were given to my ex-husband A: Oh. sorry. But you can see them every week, right? And you get your own property. It will help you start a new life. B: Maybe. But I still love my ex-husband. A: What? Then why did you divorce him?: B: Because he had an affair. And he chose that girl A: That's terrible! He's a horrible guy. He's not worth your love. B: I know. I really can't get over him A: I understand. I think time will heal your sorrow B: Thank you for comforting me. A: That's OK If you need, we can appeal. I know a good lawyer. He may help you get more alimony. After all, he is the wrongdoer in this marriage. Do you want your children? He can also help you get the custody. B:Really? That would be really great! Thank you very much. A: You're welcome. We are best friends. Now you should go home and have a good rest.