约会: 1. Ask someone out. 约某人。 Go out with someone 赴约 Are you asking me out? 你约我出去? Yes, I will go out with you. 好的 我愿意跟你约会 Bill was going to ask Lisa out, but he chickened out at the last minute. 比尔本来要约丽莎出去,但是最后却不敢开口。 I'd love to go out with you, Ben. I'm sorry I'm busy tonight, but I'd like a rain check. 本,我很愿意和你出去玩。但是,非常抱歉的是我今晚很忙。我们下回去玩好吗? Jenny and I did make plans to go out last night. But she blew me off. Jenny和我昨晚本来计划约会,但她不去了。 2. Date:约会(可作名词或动词) 作动词:Date someone 作名词:Have a date with someone Have you dated girls in college? 你在大学约会过女孩吗? When I saw Jim’s behavior, I thought better of dating him. 当我见到Jim的举止后,我改变主意,打算不跟他约会了。 Okay, well, I have a date, too, so I'll see you later 好吧 我也有约会 回见. 3. Seeing someone 和某人约会,交往 I just found out she's also seeing some other guy. 我刚刚发现她也在跟别人约会 we were seeing each other a while ago. 我们曾经交往过。 The marvels of daily life are so exciting; no movie director can arrange the unexpected that you find in the street. 日常生活里的奇迹最激动人心。没有任何导演能安排出来街道上不期而遇的事情。
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