生活美语 Day6 看电视 看报纸

生活美语 Day6 看电视 看报纸

2015-10-16    10'27''

主播: Angel 英语口语老师

396 51

PS: anything good What are you watching? What else is on? change the channel What's on tonight? Do you know What time it comes on? I think it's supposed to start around eight. Have you read the paper yet today? I have done. I 've done with the sports section. Could you hand me the paper? I am going to read the paper. What are you reading about? throw out 更多精彩 请详询微信 AngelEnglish1990 爱生活 爱英语 爱音乐 快乐学习 快乐生活 你,准备加入我们了吗?
上一期: 中式英语 21天
下一期: 48个音标 练习发音