

2017-08-09    02'19''

主播: Damon呆萌🌠

53 5

关于“无聊”知多少? 关注微信公众号:美语 获取更多免费发音技巧 大多数情况下,无聊意味着无所事事。我们既可以用“无聊”来形容自己的现状,也可以回答别人询问的:How you are doing? 一般情况下可以这么表达“无聊”: I'm dying from boredom. I hate being bored. I don't have anything to do. My life is so boring. Life is so boring. I was bored all weekend. I am so bored today. I get bored very easily. I get bored all the time. 你也可以用“无聊”来形容自己: I think I'm a little boring. I'm a boring person. “无聊”也可以被用来形容他人: He is a boring person. His personality is very boring. It's boring whenever she's around. “无聊”用来回答这些问题也很常见: How was your trip? How was your weekend? How was the lecture? How was the class? How was the game?