I don't buy it.真的是“我不买”吗?

I don't buy it.真的是“我不买”吗?

2017-08-12    01'29''

主播: Damon呆萌🌠

22 0

I don't buy it. 在这句话里buy并不能理解为“购买”,I don't buy it. buy可以理解为believe,trust. 所以,可以翻译为:我才不信呢,鬼才信,我才不买你的账,不同意,不吃这套。 I don't buy your story. 我才不信你说的鬼话。 You don't feel that way for me?—— I don't buy it. 你对我没有那种感觉?我才不信呢。 He said he didn't do it but I don't buy it. 他说他没做,我才不吃这套。 She said she was sorry but I don't buy it. 她说她很抱歉,但是我才不买账~ Don't talk to me like that,because I don't buy it. 不要像那样给本宫讲话,我不吃这套。 关注微信公众号:美语奇葩说 获取更多免费发音技巧