20190404-Go RVing 不负韶光美景 (Lesson B)

20190404-Go RVing 不负韶光美景 (Lesson B)

2019-04-04    00'45''

主播: 叶子哥🎥

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2019.04.04 Go RVing 不负韶光美景 (Lesson B)   英语卡拉OK   1. 模拟第一句: 当女人怀孕,无忧无虑的日子结束时,对于即将到来的妈妈生活,她们总是觉得有点情绪低落。她们时常会想,要是可以一直做小女生那该多酷啊。 When women get pregnant and the carefree days are over, they are always bummed to go into Mom’s life, and they’d always think, how rad it’d be to just keep being a girl.   2. 模拟第二句: 女人有时比男人想象中的要坚强的多。她们会倾其所有,为了家人和深爱的人。 Women are way stronger than men make them out to be sometimes, and they would devote everything that they have to their family and people they love.   3. 模拟第三句: 作为英语学习者需要的一切都在那里,从词汇到发音,再到对话技巧,无论身处何地,你都可以想学就学。对于那些一直想学习英语并希望说得流利的同学,最简单的办法就是赶紧动起来。恰恰是我们内心的害怕以及怀疑,阻止我们成为优秀的人。 Everything you need as an English learner is right there with you. You’ve got everything in there from vocabulary to pronunciation, to your conversational skills. Wherever you go, you have everything with you. For people that are wanting to learn and speak with fluency, the simple answer is just do it. It’s our fears and doubts that hold us back from excellence.