Social Anxiety❓如何摆脱社交焦虑

Social Anxiety❓如何摆脱社交焦虑

2021-10-25    01'02''

主播: Vivian💗

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1. We humans often overestimate how much others care about our negative and also positive actions.We think that the spotlight is on usthat everyone is looking at us and judging us, when in reality, the large majority of people simply don't care. And this is a very very important concept that you need to internalize if you are struggling with social anxiety. 2. See, the main reason we feel anxious around others is because we feel like they’re watching us and judging us. We’re scared to act how we want to be ourselves because we don't want to risk people looking down on us. We don't want others to dislike us, butin reality, the large majority of people simply don't care that much about you. 3. I know this sounds like a bad thing but it's just human nature. Most people are stuck in their ownheads and are thinking about themselves, not you. The moment you internalize this concept and genuinely start believing in it, yourlevels of social anxiety will drop significantly but of course, this is much easier said than done. 我们经常高估别人对我们的消极和积极行为的关注度。我们认为自己在聚光灯下,每个人都在看着我们,评判我们,而实际上,绝大多数人根本不关心。这是一个非常非常重要的概念,如果你正在与社交焦虑作斗争,你需要将其内化。 知道了吧,我们在别人身边感到焦虑的主要原因是我们觉得他们在关注我们,在评判我们。我们害怕表现出我们想做的自己,因为我们不想冒着别人蔑视我们的风险。我们不希望别人不喜欢我们,但在现实中,绝大多数人根本不在意你。 我知道这听起来像是一件坏事,但这只是人类的天性。大多数人都停留在自己的脑子里,想的是自己,而不是你。当你把这个概念内化并真正开始相信它的时候,你的社交焦虑水平就会明显下降,当然,这说起来容易做起来难。