

2018-03-01    05'16''

主播: 怡愉英语

143 1

Advertise(音标) V 标签:s3 w3 (口语中常用的3000个单词之一,书面语中常用的3000个单词之一) 1、(为...)做广告(宣传) 释义:to tell the public about a product or service in order to persuade them to buy it 例证: They no longer advertise alcohol or cigarettes at sporting events. 他们不再在体育赛事上做烟酒广告了。 Advertise(sth) on television/in a newspaper etc Many companies will only advertise in the Sunday paper. 许多公司只会在周日报纸上刊登广告。 Be advertised as sth The inn is advertised as being from the early 16th century. 据宣传,这家小旅馆建成于16世纪早期。 Colleges and universities have found that it pays to advertise(=advertising brings good results). 大专院校发现做广告效果很好。 2、(在报纸、海报等上)征聘,公布 释义:to make an announcement ,for example in a newspaper or on a POSTER,that a job is available,an event is going to happen etc 例证: A poster advertising the concert. 一张音乐会宣传海报 [+for] I see they’re advertising for a new Sales Director. 我看到他们在登广告招聘新的销售主管。 3、宣传(自己的事) Advertise the fact (that) 释义:to let people know something about yourself 例证: Don’t advertise the fact that you’re looking for another job. 不要对外宣扬你正在另找工作。