

2016-02-22    02'48''

主播: 海学英语口语

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学更多地道英语口语,关注公众微信【英语口语】微信号:kouyu8,如果想系统学习提高英语口语能力,报名吉米老师听力口语特训班,百度传课网chuanke.com 搜索:听力口语特训班,看到第一个即可报名,600个同学报名啦,100%好评哦! P0,you must take the next step on your journey 阿宝,你的修行是时候进入下一个境界了 incredible power awaits you 你将获得神奇的力量 hai justice 嘿,正义 is about to be served 即将降临 we'll have two justice platters please 老板,来两盘正义套餐 Tigress did you want an extra sauce with that? 悍悍, 你想加酱料吗 she wants it on side 她要分开放 on the side 分开放 on the side 分开放 if you only do what you can do 如果你只做自己能做到的事情 you'll never be more than you are now 你永远都不能超越现在的自己 i like who i am 可我挺喜欢现在的自己 You don't know even who you are 你都不知道你自己究竟是谁 i am looking for my son 我在找我的儿子 Dad? 爸爸? Give your old man a hug! 儿子来抱抱! How do we know he's even related to you? 凭什么这么肯定他是你爹喔 Look at that 看这个 Tt's like looking in a fat mirror 这肚子一毛一样 Come home with me 跟我回家吧 Hi, I am MeiMei 嗨,我是美美 You must rediscover what it is to be a panda 你必须重新寻找作为一个熊猫的意义 Here we go 走起来 Oh, oh , awesome! 欧欧,太棒啦 There,there 慢点,慢点 I'm fine, I'm fine 没事,我没事 There you go 吐出来就好了 Kai has returned! 我天煞回来了! Who? 谁? The master of pain 痛苦之源 Beast of vengeance 复仇巨兽 Maker of widows 寡妇制造者 Huh? 哈? Okay I used to work with Wugui 好吧,我原来和乌龟一起的 Oh,master Wugui 噢,乌龟大师 Silence! 闭嘴! You must save the world 你必须拯救世界! There's no way I can stop him! 我不可能打败他的! Unless you had an army of your own 除非你有一个军团 you don't even know Kong Fu 可你们完全不懂功夫呀 Then you will teach us 你可以教我们 Noboby said this was gonna be easy 万事开头难 I'm gonna turn you into a Kong Fu master 我会帮你成为功夫大师 my tenders 夭寿夭寿 The dumpling squadron will take position here 饺子小分队先抢占这里 On my signal 听我号令 The noodle squadron will... 面条小分队就去 This is the spot where... 这个地方就是 Okay... I saw that coming 没事,早就想到了 This was the one destined to stop me ? 这就是那个命中注定要阻拦我的人吗 i want you to spare me to chit-chat 请不要放狠话了好吗? I'm going to take your... 我要把你 Chit-chat! 还放! In the... 把你的 Chitty chitty chat chat... 还放还放 in the... 把你的 chit-chat 放你个大熊猫 Dreamworks Kong Fu Panda 3 梦工厂出品 功夫熊猫3 This is master Flying Rhino's battle armor 这是飞天犀牛大师的战甲 i wonder what this does? i should pull it 这里是干嘛的?拉下试试 i think i just peed a little 我好像激动得尿了 Hello world 你们好啊 MeiMei here 这是美美 Welcome to my humble abode 欢迎来到我的小窝 I was doing a little journaling and a little doodling 我刚才正在涂涂写写呢 Becuase i don't like to limit myself expression 因为我不喜欢自我限定 And it occurs to me that i have a lot to talk about 灵光一闪, 当当当,我下笔如有神 So on that note,this is the offical announcement of my very own show 所以说呢,我现在正式宣布,我将开启一档我的独家节目