3.2/你们有新的宝宝要照顾 估计以后就不需要我了

3.2/你们有新的宝宝要照顾 估计以后就不需要我了

2014-12-14    01'19''

主播: 丫晢SAMA

2285 269

Sherlock: Mary and John, whatever it takes, whatever happens, from now on, I swear I will always be there. Always. For all three of you. Erm... Sorry, I mean... I mean two of you. All two of you. Both of you, in fact. I just miscounted. Mary and John,不论如何,不论怎样,从今往后,我起誓,我会永远守护你们。永远,守护你们三个人。抱歉..我是说...你们两个。你们俩,我数错了。 Anyway, it's time for dancing. Play the music again, please. Thank you. OK, everybody, just dance, don't be shy. Dancing, please. Very good. 总之,该跳舞了,请再放一下音乐。大家跳起来吧,别害羞,跳起来,很好。 Sorry, that was one more deduction than I was really expecting. 抱歉,不小心就多做了一个推理。 Mary: Deduction? 推理? S: Increased appetite... 胃口大增 【M: I'm starving. 】 S: Change of taste perception. 味觉变化 【M: Oh, I chose this wine, but it's bloody awful!】 S: You were sick this morning. You assumed it was just wedding nerves. You got angry with me when I mentioned it to you. All the signs are there. 你今早还吐过,你以为只是婚礼紧张,但我提起来的时候你发火了,种种迹象十分明显。 M: The signs? 迹象? SH: The signs of three. 有三个人的迹象 M: What? 什么? S: Mary, I think you should do a pregnancy test. Well, the statistics for the first trimester are... Mary,我觉得你应该做怀孕检测,早期妊娠的统计数据... J: Shut up! 闭嘴! Just…Shut up. 给我闭嘴 S: Sorry. 抱歉 J: How did he notice before me? I'm a bloody doctor. 他怎么会比我先发现,我可是医生。 S: It's your day off. 今天你不上班 J: It's YOUR day off! 你也是! S: Stop. Stop panicking. 别慌 J: I'm not panicking. 我没慌 M: I'm pregnant, I'm panicking! 怀孕的是我,我该慌 S: Don't panic. None of you panic. Absolutely no reason to panic. 别慌。都不许慌。没必要慌张。 J: Oh, and you'd know, of course! 你当然知道了! S: Yes, I would. You're already the best parents in the world, look at all the practice you've had. 那是。你们肯定是世上最好的父母,你们都练习过了。 J: What practice? 什么练习? S: Well, you're hardly going to need me around now that you've got a real baby on the way. 你们有新的宝宝要照顾 估计以后就不需要我了。