

2016-02-02    03'32''

主播: 冲浪的少年

21462 777

Giving Every Student an Opportunity to Learn Through Computer Science for All (January 30, 2016) 给每一个学生学习计算机的机会(2016年1月30日) Hi everybody. As I said in my State of the Union address, we live in a time of extraordinary change – change that's affecting the way we live and the way we work. New technology replaces any job where work can be automated. Workers need more skills to get ahead. These changes aren't new, and they're only going to accelerate. So the question we have to ask ourselves is, "How can we make sure everyone has a fair shot at success in this new economy?" 大家好.正如我在国情咨文中谈到的,我们生活在巨变的时代--这些改变影响着我们生活以及我们工作的方式.新的科学技术替代着任何可以自动完成的工作.员工们需要更多的技能才能取得成功.这些改变不是新出现的,它们只会不断加速.所以我们必须问我们自己的问题是,"我们如何能够确保每一个人都在新经济里的成功中拥有公平的机会?" The answer to that question starts with education. That's why my Administration has encouraged states to raise standards. We've cut the digital divide in our classrooms by half. We've worked with Congress to pass a bipartisan bill to set the expectation that every student should graduate from high school ready for college and a good job. And thanks to the hard work of students, teachers, and parents across the country, our high school graduation rate is at an all-time high. 这一问题的答案要始于教育.也因此,我们的政府鼓励各州提高各类标准.我们已经将在我们教室中的数字鸿沟降低了一半.我们与国会一起通过了两党性的法案,设定了我们的期望,每一个学生都应该能从高中毕业,并为大学和好工作做好准备.多亏了全国各地的学生,教师和父母们的辛勤努力,我们高中毕业率是有史以来最高的. Now we have to make sure all our kids are equipped for the jobs of the future – which means not just being able to work with computers, but developing the analytical and coding skills to power our innovation economy. Today's auto mechanics aren't just sliding under cars to change the oil; they're working on machines that run on as many as 100 million lines of code. That's 100 times more than the Space Shuttle. Nurses are analyzing data and managing electronic health records. Machinists are writing computer programs. And workers of all kinds need to be able to figure out how to break a big problem into smaller pieces and identify the right steps to solve it. 我们必须确保我们所有的孩子都被适应未来工作的能力武装起来--这意味着不仅能够用电脑来工作,而且能够发挥分析和编码的技能来助力我们的创新型经济.今天的汽车修理工不仅是滑到车底去换机油;他们也在运行着亿行代码的机器上工作.这比航天飞机上的代码要多100倍.护士们分析数据,并管理着电子健康档案.机械师写着计算机程序.各门类的员工需要能将大问题分解为小的,并确定解决问题的重要步骤. In the new economy, computer science isn't an optional skill – it's a basic skill, right along with the three "Rs(Reading, Writing and Arithmetic)." Nine out of ten parents want it taught at their children's schools. Yet right now, only about a quarter of our K through 12 schools offer computer science. Twenty-two states don't even allow it to count toward a diploma. 在新经济中,计算机科学不是一个技能选项--而是基础技能,就和三个"R"(读,写,数学)一样.十分之九的家庭想让他们的孩子在学校里学到这些.然而当下,仅有我们12年制教育中大约四分之一的时间,能够提供计算机科学教程.22个州甚至不允许计入文凭. So I've got a plan to help make sure all our kids get an opportunity to learn computer science, especially girls and minorities. It's called Computer Science For All. And it means just what it says – giving every student in America an early start at learning the skills they'll need to get ahead in the new economy. 因此,我已计划确保我们所有的孩子有机会学习计算机科学,尤其是女生和少数民族.这叫做所有人的计算机科学.这意味着,就像所说的那样--给予每一个在美国的学生很早就开始学习他们在新经济中取得成功所需要的技能. First, I'm asking Congress to provide funding so that our elementary, middle, and high schools can provide opportunities to learn computer science for all students. 首先,我要求国会提供资金.因此我们的小学,中学和高中能够为所有学生提供学习计算机科学的机遇. Second, starting this year, we're leveraging existing resources at the National Science Foundation and the Corporation for National and Community Service to train more great teachers for these courses. 第二,从今年开始,我们借助在国家科学基金,国家社区服务公司已有的资源,为这些课程培训更多优秀的教师. And third, I'll be pulling together governors, mayors, business leaders, and tech entrepreneurs to join the growing bipartisan movement around this cause. Americans of all kinds are getting involved – from students teaching each other to code, to teachers adding programming to their classes. And just today, states like Delaware and Hawaii, companies like Google and SalesForce, and organizations like Code.org have made commitments to help more of our kids learn these skills. 第三,我将推动州长,市长,商界领袖,科技企业家一起,加入到围绕这一问题的两党性运动中.各样的美国人都加入到了这一行列中--学生们相互交流学习编程,教师们在课堂上增加编程课.就在今天,像特拉华和夏威夷这样的州,像Google和SalesForce这样的企业,以及像Code.org这样的组织,已经承诺帮助我们更多的孩子学会这些技能. That's what this is all about – each of us doing our part to make sure all our young people can compete in a high-tech, global economy. They're the ones who will make sure America the country that invent all the stuff in the first place, keeps growing, keeps innovating, and keeps leading the world in the years ahead. And they're the reason I've never been more confident about our future. 这就是意义所在--我们中的每一个人都做出我们自己的努力,确保我们所有的年轻人能够在全球高科技的经济中保持竞争力.他们将确保首先发明各类东西的美国,继续发展,继续创新,继续在未来的日子里引领世界.这就是我对我们的未来如此充满信心的原因. Thanks everybody, and have a great weekend. 谢谢大家,周末快乐.