

2016-03-07    03'10''

主播: 冲浪的少年

16746 848

The American Spirit of Innovation (March 5, 2016) 美国的创新精神(2016年3月5日) Hi, everybody. One of the things that makes America so strong is our spirit of innovation. Our drive to invent and harness new technologies to tackle our greatest challenges. It's how we won the race to invent the light bulb and the Internet; it's why we were first to the Moon and Mars. It's why I keep models of American inventions like the telegraph in the Oval Office. It's a daily reminder of the genius that's embedded in our DNA; the way we've always shaped the future through our ideas and discoveries. 大家好.美国如此强大的一个原因,是我们的创新精神.我们发明和发展新科技的驱动力,让我们应对着巨大的挑战.正是这样,我们在发明电灯和互联网的竞赛中取得胜利.正是这样,我最先登上了月亮,最先到达了火星.这也是,我仍然把美国发明东西的模型放在椭圆形办公室的原因,比如电报.这每天都让我们想起,嵌入我们DNA的基因;正是这样的方式,我们总能通过我们的想法和发现去重塑未来. That's truer than ever today, with the constant stream of new apps and tools and data that are still changing the way we live – from getting a ride to paying our bills to developing smarter ways to combat climate change. 这在今天无比正确,不断出现的新的应用,工具和井喷的数据,现在仍在改变着我们的生活方式--从搭顺风车到支付我们的账单,到发展出更明智的方式来应对气候变化. That's why, next week, I'll travel to Austin, Texas, to visit South by Southwest. It's an annual gathering of some of our most creative thinkers, coders, makers, and entrepreneurs from across the country. And while I'm there, I'm going to ask everyone for ideas and technologies that can help update our government and our democracy to be as modern and dynamic as America itself. 也因此,在下周,我将前往奥斯汀,德克萨斯,到西南偏南盛会.这是每年一度的集会,来自全国各地的非常有创造力的思想者,开发者,制造商,企业家,云集于此.我到那里后,我将呼吁每一个人说出他们的想法,和可用的科技手段,帮助更新我们的政府和我们的民主制度,让它们变得和美国本身一样现代化和多元化. This has been a goal of mine since before I was President. On my campaign in 2008, we saw how technology could bring people together and help them engage as citizens in their own communities. So when I came to the White House, I wanted apply that experience to the federal government. It hasn't always been easy. And we've had some bumps along the way. 从当总统之前,这一直就是我的目标.在我2008年的选战中,我们看到了科技是如何把人们团结在一起的,让他们作为公民参与到他们自己的社区中.因此,当我进入白宫,我想让联邦政府也有这样的体验.这曾经很不容易.一路走来,我们一直有些不顺利. But we've also made good progress. Over the past few years, for example, we've done something that government never has. We asked some of the sharpest minds from companies in Silicon Valley and across the country to come help us modernize the federal government for the way we live today. And they came ready to serve, tackling some of our biggest challenges – like high-tech special ops units. 但我们也已经取得了很好的进展.在过去的几年里,比如,我们已经完成了一些政府从未有过的事情.我们寻求一些硅谷和全国各地企业里最出色的精英,帮助我们以今天生活的方式,让联邦政府现代化.他们准备好提供服务,处理我们一些最巨大的挑战--比如高科技特种行动部队. These teams are partnering with the government's existing policy and technical experts to re-imagine the way we do business and deliver services that work better and cost less. Already, we've made it easier for students to find the college that's right for them. For immigrants to track the green card and naturalization process online. For veterans to access their medical records. And yes, after an initial false start, we've made it much easier for tens of millions of Americans to compare and buy health insurance and the peace of mind that goes with it. 这些团队正在与政府已有的政策和科技专家合作,重新计划我们贸易的方式,提供最有效,开支少的服务.我们已经让学生们更容易得找到符合他们要求的大学;让移民能够在网上方便得跟踪绿卡和入籍过程;让退伍军人能够更容易得查询他们的病历.是的,在经历不太成功的开始之后,我们已经让数千万人更容易得比较和购买到医疗保险,并享受到由此而来的平和心态. That's what this is all about – making sure our government of the people and by the people works better for the people in the 21st century. It's about Americans working together to make a real difference in people's lives. Because the easiest thing to do is to blame government for our problems. Some people have made a career out of that. But our founders trusted us with the keys to this system of self-government because it's the best tool we've got to settle our differences and solve our collective challenges. And it's only as good as we make it. 这就是所有的意义所在--确保我们的政府在21世纪是民有,民治而且是民享的政府.这是一起努力的人们在生活中创造出改变的事情.因为最容易做的事情,是在我们的难题面前,归咎于政府.一些人已经以此为业.但我们的先贤们相信我们民主自治政府机制,因为这是我们解决分歧和解决我们共同挑战的最好工具.这只会让现实和我们所期待的一样好. That's why I'm going to Austin and South by Southwest – to keep asking everyone from all walks of life, working inside or outside of government, to help us make this democracy even stronger. And I hope you join us. 也因此,我将前往奥斯汀以及西南偏南盛会--继续告诉各行各业的人们,无论他们是否在政府部门工作,出一份力让这样的民主更加强大.我希望你加入到我们的行列. Thanks everybody, and have a great weekend. 谢谢大家,周末快乐.