true well being

true well being

2020-01-27    00'46''

主播: 秀山溪水

176 0

Defining well-being is hard, which is one of the reasons it's so tricky to explain, let alone achieve. Think Long-Term. Take time to think about what's fundamentally important to you. Friends, family, and your health should make your list. A nicer apartment, or a better car really shouldn't. It's okay to want to achieve things in life — but material things should always be secondary. Surround yourself with individuals who add value to your life and with whom you can be yourself. To take a long-term view, knowing what you'll look back on and be proud of when you're old and gray will help you to prioritize what you should be focusing on now. Stop Waiting and Start Doing. It's a cliche, but happiness comes when you least expect it. 很难定义幸福安康,这也是为什么解释 幸福很困难,更不要提获得幸福了。我 们眼光要放长远一些,想想到底哪些东 西是对自己真正重要的。你的列表中应 该有朋友、家人、健康;而更好的房 子、更好的车子则不应该上榜。想在生 活中有所成就是没有问题的,但是物质 上的东西永远都应该是次要的。 你身边应该要有那些可以增加你价值的 人,以及可以让你舒服做自己的人。用 长远的眼光来看,知道自己白发苍苍蓦 然回首时为何而自豪,可以帮助你理解 现在重点要关注的是什么。莫要等待、 勇敢前行。也许听着有点老套,但是幸 福就会在你最不经意间到来。