S01E06 If Tomorrow Never Comes【SQ】

S01E06 If Tomorrow Never Comes【SQ】

2015-05-27    02'54''

主播: 仨爪飞呐

4735 266

A couple hundred years ago,Benjamin Franklin shared with the world,the secret of his success,"Never leave that till tomorrow."He said. Which you could do today. This is the man who discovered electricity.He’d think more of us would listen to what he had to say.I don’t know why we put things off,but if I had to guess,I’d say it has a lot to do with fear.Fear of failure,fear of pain,fear of rejection.Sometimes,the fear is just of making a decision.Because,what if you are wrong?What if you’re making a mistake you can’t undo?Whatever it is we’re afraid of,one thing holds true.That by the time the pain of not doing a thing,gets worse than the fear of doing it.It can feel like we’re carrying around a giant tumor.And you thought I was speaking metaphorically. 两百多年前,本杰明富兰克林曾经向众人分享他成功的秘诀。他说“今日事今日毕”。正是他发现了电能。他以为大多数人会听信他的忠告。我不知道为什么大家习惯拖延,如果要我猜的话,我想主要是因为害怕。害怕失败,害怕疼痛,害怕被拒绝。有时候,害怕的仅仅是做出决定。因为,如果我们错了怎么办?如果犯了一个无法挽回的错该怎么办?不管我们害怕的是什么,有一件事永远不会改变。当逃避的痛苦比害怕更强烈时,那感觉就会像是身负着巨大的肿瘤。你以为我刚刚是在比喻吗? The early bird catches the worm.A stitch in time saves nine.He who hesitates is lost.We can’t pretend we haven’t been told.We’ve all heard the proverbs,heard the philosophers,heard our grandparents warning us about the wasted time,heard the damn poets urging us to seize the day.Still sometimes, we have to see for ourselves,we have to make our own mistakes,we have to learn our own lessons,we have to sweep today’s possibility under tomorrow’s rug until we can’t anymore,until we finally understand for ourselves what Benjamin Franklin meant. that knowing is better than wondering,that waking is better than sleeping,and that even the biggest failure,even the worst most intractable mistake,beats the hell out of never trying. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃。小洞不补,大洞吃苦。机会总会在犹豫中溜走。我们不能装糊涂,我们都听过那些谆谆教导的谚语,听过哲学家的醒世名言,听过祖辈告诫我们不要浪费光阴,听过那些诗人催促我们珍惜时间。但是,有时候,我们还是要自己去领悟。我们总会犯些错误,然后从中吸取教训。我们不得不把今天的事情拖到明天,直到拖不下去为止,直到我们最终自己理解,本杰明富兰克林的话是什么意思。了解胜于迷惑,清醒胜于沉睡。还有,即使遭遇最彻底的失败,犯下严重到无法挽回的错误,也要勇敢得去尝试。