S02E04 Deny, Deny, Deny【SQ】

S02E04 Deny, Deny, Deny【SQ】

2015-07-06    01'49''

主播: 仨爪飞呐

1341 165

The key to surviving a surgical internship is denial. We deny that we’re tired, we deny that we’re scared, we deny how badly we want to succeed, and most importantly, we deny that we’re in denial. We only see what we wanna see and believe what we want to believe. And it works. We lie to ourselves so much that after a while, the lies start to seem like the truth.We deny so much that we can’t recognize the truth, right in front of our faces. 在外科实习期生存的关键是“否认”。我们否认疲劳,我们否认恐惧,我们否认我们多么想成功,更重要的是,我们否认我们在否认。我们只看到我们想要看到的,相信我们想要相信的,确实是这样。我们老是在骗自己,以至于过了一段时间后,连谎言也像真的一样了,我们否认的太多,以至于看不到真理就在面前。 Sometimes reality has a way of sneaking up and biting us in the ass. And when the danm bursts all you can do is swim. The world of pretend is a cage, not a cocoon. We can only lie to ourselves for so long. We are tired. We are scared. Denying it doesn’t change the truth.Sooner or later, we have to put aside our denial and face the world head on gun’s blazing. Denial. It’s not just a river in Egypt. It’s a freaking ocean, so how do you keep from drowning in it? 有时候,现实会在背后偷袭我们,当大坝决堤,你所能做的就是游泳,伪装的世界是一个鸟笼,而不是蚕茧。我们只能跟自己长时间撒谎,我们累了,我们害怕,否认并不能改变事实,迟早,我们必须抛开否认,面对迎面而来的世界,炙热的燃烧。否认,不仅仅是埃及的一条河流,这是一个怪异的海洋,那么你该如何从中逃生呢?