S12E04 Old Time Rock and Roll

S12E04 Old Time Rock and Roll

2015-10-17    00'57''

主播: 仨爪飞呐

1757 187

You might be surprised, but anatomy classes can be uncomfortable for surgeons. We're trained to put bodies back together. We prefer our tissue warm, alive. Usually when a surgeon is staring at dead tissue, it means that something is very, very wrong. 你可能会感到惊讶,解剖课会让外科医生感觉很不舒服。我们接受训练是为了将身体恢复完整。我们更喜欢温暖的、鲜活的组织。通常,当外科医生看着死去的组织时,往往都是哪里出了大问题。 There are some things in life that simply can't be avoided, no matter how uncomfortable they make us. And there can be rewards in stepping outside of your comfort zone. Even when the thought of it makes us want to puke. Even when we want nothing more than to run screaming for the hills. That's why people love to say that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. But sometimes, thoese people don't know what the hell they are talking about. 生活中总有些事情无法避免,不管它们让你有多难受,当你走出自己的舒适区,也许你会有意外的收获。即使每每想到这些就会让人想吐。甚至我们只想尖叫着狂奔上山顶。这就是为什么人们喜欢说君子愈挫愈勇。但有时候,那些人并不知道他们自己到底在说些什么。