

2015-02-03    03'41''

主播: 财新金融英语

353 34

A study by researchers at Renmin University revealed that the gender gap in Chinese workplaces, on top of continuing to exist, is particularly severe for women with higher academic qualifications. A relatively small sample size of 96 senior students at Renmin University, Beijing Forestry University and University of International Business and Economics posted a total of 192 resumes at the beginning of March on Zhaopin.com, a top employment website. Two months later, the resumes were removed and researchers discovered that males received an average of 2.95 invitations for an interview, whereas females got 2.07 responses, meaning they were 42 percent less likely to be contacted. The percentage rose for female students with postgraduate qualifications – they were 52 percent less likely to get an interview. More concerning was the finding that good foreign-language skills or internship experiences were valued more than strong academic grades. The revelations of gender discrimination in the workplace is not a new finding, anywhere in the world. Studies with similar methodologies conducted in West have found similar results, particularly in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Math or ‘STEM’ disciplines. A 6-month joint study involving 19, 130 fictitious resumes in 2010 and 2011 by students Zhou Xiangyi, Zhang Jie and Song Xuetao from Xi’an Jiaotong University, Texas A&M University and North Carolina State University also found that state-owned firms tend to prefer male applicants and foreign and private firms tend to prefer females. There was also no significant difference in general discrimination between first and second tier cities in China, despite their income disparities, according to the study. On paper, Chinese women have enjoyed legal equality for over 60 years. Article 14 of the 1994 Labour Law forbids companies from hiring a female employee because of her gender or raise pre-conditions for her employment while Article 24 reinforces the principle of ‘equal pay, equal work.’ The State has mandated that some jobs are ‘unsuitable’ for women employees in a later 2012 regulation, a list that includes jobs in coal mining and logging, but this list is comparatively limited. However, in practice, legislators should make laws against discrimination more specific in order for enforcement to be more effective, according to Ge Yuhao, an associate professor and the chief author of the report. It will definitely be a long, uphill battle. China’s first successful anti- discrimination lawsuit was only ruled in 2013, despite a study conducted two years prior by the Beijing Working Committee on Women and Children revealing that over 61 percent of women reported discrimination in job searches. Another study of more than 1 million Internet job postings in China found that 10 percent of ads continued to express a gender preference – a number that rose up to 23 percent for lower-skilled positions, as reported by the China Labour Bulletin. The government should use other measures, such as tax breaks, to encourage employers to hire more women, Ge said. It should also gradually improve maternity care insurance so responsibility is distributed more reasonably among governments, employers and employees, thereby encouraging more women to consider jobs that they would have otherwise refused due to familial responsibilities. For Caixin Online, this is Christina Guo 报告显示四个特点:第一,在使用同样简历的情况下,男性大学生接到面试通知的次数比女性高42%;第二,学习成绩和学历对降低歧视没有帮助,实际上,学习成绩越好、学历水平越高的女性大学生在求职过程中遭受更严重的性别歧视;第三,增加实习经历和提高英语水平能够帮助女性大学生减轻受歧视的程度。 研究报告由中国人民大学国家发展与战略研究院研究员葛玉好主持。报告基于虚拟实验,通过在国内某大型招聘网站上发布虚拟配对简历。实验从中国人民大学、对外经济贸易大学和北京林业大学抽取100名学生(既有本科生又有硕士研究生)作为被试者,每位被试者根据简历模板制作两份简历。 其中,第一份简历是被试者依据个人真实信息填写生成的。第二份简历在第一份简历的基础上通过转换“性别”得到的。最终有96个被试者的192份简历进入本次实验。 实验结果显示,男性被试者平均收到2.95份面试邀请,女性被试者平均收到2.07份面试邀请,二者相差0.874份。虽然性别与其劳动生产率并无必然联系,但是雇主在进行简历筛选时仍然会考虑该因素,女性遭受就业歧视的状况非常严重。 全体样本的歧视系数为0.421,既具有同等特征的简历,仅因为性别不同男性收到的面试通知就要比女性高42%左右。所谓歧视系数是指男性面试通知次数减去女性的面试通知次数,然后除以女性的面试通知次数,歧视系数越大说明女性大学生在求职过程中受到的歧视越大。 样本还显示,研究生子样本的歧视系数(0.530)高于本科(0.392),学习成绩越好,歧视系数也越大。 报告称,女性遭受歧视的原因主要有三个方面。首先,一般女大学生毕业后工作不久就会面临结婚和生育的问题,此时劳动法规定雇主需要为女性员工提供带薪产假和哺乳假,追求利益最大化的雇主此时更倾向于录用不需要休这些假期的男性求职者。 再次,大多数雇主认为女性求职者可能更注重家庭而非职业发展,这将导致她们在工作上的责任心和进取心大大低于男性求职者。 报告建议,政府应加快反歧视相关法律的建设。当前我国反歧视方面的法律对于性别歧视的规定