

2015-05-05    01'41''

主播: 财新金融英语

366 24

The Moscow-Kazan High-Speed Rail Project is set to be designed by a Chinese research institute under the China Railway Group Ltd., an inside source has told Caixin. On April 30, a consortium of China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co. Ltd. (CREEC) and two Russian companies won the contract to design the 770 kilometer line linking Moscow and Kazan, a city east of the Russian capital. The source did not tell Caixin how many companies were involved in the bidding. Germany's Siemens AG and France's Alstom had showed interest in the project, but did not bid. CREEC, which is part of China Railway Group, has eyed the Russian project since 2012 and set up a branch in the country, the source said. CREEC got permission from Russian authorities to operate design businesses in the country in March. The institute has offered documents giving a rough analysis of the financial situation for the project to Russia, the source said. Chinese companies could win the construction contract and train orders for the Moscow-Kazan project if the institute plays a big role in the design process, the source said. Those contracts could be worth more than 20 billion rubles, or 2.38 billion yuan. China Railway Group and China Northern Railway (CNR) Corp. Ltd., a railroad equipment manufacturer, have set up a group to handle the Russian project, an employee of China Railway Corp. said. CNR had been China's sole producer of trains for cold weather before CSR Corp. Ltd. displayed a new model at an expo in Beijing in October. The Chinese government started encouraging rail companies to find opportunities abroad in 2010, but they have not secured any high-speed projects so far. For Caixin Online, this is Diana Bates. 4月30日,中国中铁二院工程集团有限责任公司(下称中铁二院)中标俄罗斯高铁(莫斯科-喀山)项目设计,中方企业在俄罗斯高铁项目上迈出第一步。下一步,待勘测工作和设计报告完成后,中国中铁将力争高铁基建项目合同,中国北车则谋求动车组制造订单。 中国中铁 相关人士向财新记者透露称,中铁二院是与俄方企业组成的联合体中标该项目。另据中国国际广播电台消息,联合体中的俄方企业为俄罗斯下新城地铁规划设计公司。 上述中国中铁人士没有透露哪些企业向俄方递交了竞标文件,但他表示,之前被中方企业认为的潜在对手德国西门子和法国的阿尔斯通并没有出现在此次竞标中。 该人士称,虽然中铁二院仅是中标俄罗斯高铁项目设计阶段项目,但其释放出的信号具有标志意义。他解释说,项目设计如采用中方企业提供的方案,进入高铁基建项目施工阶段和高铁车辆制造阶段后,中方企业参与竞标将会得到更大优势。“虽然目前该项目还不能说由中方一揽子承包,但这是我们的目标。”他说。 中国铁路总公司人士就此对财新记者做了更详细的表述:目前在中国铁路总公司的牵头协调下,中国中铁和中国北车已经组成了俄罗斯高铁项目联合工作组,全力为该项目下一步工作做准备。他表示,该项目进展很快,中方企业联合体将全力竞标,中方企业的目标很明确,就是在中铁二院勘测工作和设计报告完成后,中国中铁将力争高铁基建项目合同,中国北车则谋求动车组制造订单。